Jan Moninckx, Sansevieria hyacinthoide, 1686-1709. Watercolor. Netherlands. Via wikiTogether with hi
Oh, a little plant baby! My snake plant has finally sent up a new shoot – from a single leaf a
Oh, a little plant baby! My snake plant has finally sent up a new shoot – from a single leaf a
Oh, a little plant baby! My snake plant has finally sent up a new shoot – from a single leaf a
Couldn’t decide which pic was better to post, but my sansevieria’s are growing really hard. Y’all ar
Another Christmas present
Thanks to @thesill I have a new snake plant! #indoorgardening #plantlife #houseplants #plantmom #sna
Sorry I haven’t post for a few weeks but I am working a lot.
Sansevieria: snake in the snake plant / 2 color block printOn Etsy here!
Sorry I haven’t post for a few weeks but I am working a lot.
#sansevieriasunday the dwarf samurai army…and friends ~ ~ #houseplants #plantlove #foliag
My little trio of samurai (the one on the left is a Boncel but he’s earned a spot with the
#sansevieriasunday featuring my latest acquisitions from @valleyviewgardens - 2) holding a very tiny
p l a n t • t a l kThe sansevieria. The mother-in-law’s tongue. The snake plant.is on
A new acquisition for #sansevieriasunday. It shall be my propagation challenge! - 2) Compare the hue
Appreciating new growth on my Starfish Sansevieria - ( 2) one year ago, the baby was but a single sp
Happy #sansevieriasunday - the wifey and I agreed on this one! - Plant: Sansevieria masoniana &l
#sansevieriasunday still so many to collect… ~ ~ #houseplants #plantlove #foliage #indoor
Oh, a little plant baby! My snake plant has finally sent up a new shoot – from a single l
Couldn’t decide which pic was better to post, but my sansevieria’s are growing really ha
Oh, a little plant baby! My snake plant has finally sent up a new shoot – from a single l
Oh, a little plant baby! My snake plant has finally sent up a new shoot – from a single l
sansevierias: We are demonstrating aggressive aggression.
sansevierias:Imagine my surprise when I realized how much we had in common.
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