Spanish Painters
moni argento
Christ and the Virgin in the House at NazarethFrancisco de Zurbarán (Spanish; 1598–1664)ca. 1640Oil
Model Making MischiefRaimundo de Madrazo y Garreta (Spanish; 1841–1920)ca. 1885Oil on canvas Colecci
Still Life with Figs and BreadLuis Meléndez (Spanish; 1716–1780)ca. 1770Oil on canvasNational Galler
Prado de Asturias, San Esteban de Pravia = Field in Asturias, San Esteban de PaviaJoaquín Sorolla (S
Francisco Goya (1746-1828), ‘Contra el bien general’ (Against the Common Good), ‘’Los De
Emilia Castañeda, ‘La Salvaje’ (The Wild), 2013
El fusilamiento de Torrijos y sus compañeros en las playas de Málaga = The Execution by Firing Squa
Ricardo Verdugo Landi (Spanish; 1871–1934)Looking for Shells on the Beach ca. 1920–30Oil on canvasCo
The Triumph of Saint HermenegildFrancisco Herrera the Younger (Spanish; 1627–1685)1654Oil on canvasM
Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652), ‘The Penitent Magdalene’, 1620Source: www.sdmart.or
Ignacio de Ries (1612-1661), ‘Alegoria del Arbol de la Vida (Allegory of the Tree of Life)&rsq
Mateo Cerezo (1637-1666), ‘The Penitent Magdalene’, 1661
DawnGuillermo Gómez Gil (Spanish; 1862–1946)ca. 1920sOil on canvasColección Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisz
Los borrachos (El triunfo de Baco) = The Drinkers (The Triumph of Bacchus)Diego Velázquez (Spanish;
PietáJusepe de Ribera (Spanish; 1591–1652)1633Oil on canvas © Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Spai
The Comtesse d'Egmont Pignatelli in Spanish CostumeAlexander Roslin (Swedish; 1718–1793)1763Oil on c
A Young Man Drinking Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (Spanish; 1617–1682), style ofOil on canvas, ca. 1700
The Tears of Saint PeterJusepe de Ribera, called Lo Spagnoletto (Spanish; 1591–1652)ca. 1612–13Oil o
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (Spanish; 1617–1682), style ofA Young Man Drinking (detail)Oil on canvas,
Juan Gris (1887-1927), ‘Der Guitarrespieler’ (1926), “Juan Gris” by Daniel H
Clothilde sentada en un sofá = Clothilde Seated on a SofaJoaquín Sorolla y Bastida (Spanish; 1863–19
Francisco de Goya, Self-portrait, 1799, etching with aquatint, 315 x 213 mm, Madrid, Museo Nacional
Dusk over the Coast of MálagaGuillermo Gómez Gil (Spanish; 1862–1946)1918Oil on
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