Stone Relief
bulimia cw
mexican chicks
Zeus (seated) and Leto with their offspring Apollo and Artemis. Marble relief from the sanctuary of
Klara Kristalova (Czech, b. 1967, Prague, Czech Republic, based Norrtälje, Sweden) - 1: She’s
Inscribed Attic funeral stele for a man named Artemon. Artemon is shown shaking the hand of an olde
Gray schist relief sculpture of a chariot scene, from the Gandhara region of present-day Pakistan.
Ancient Greek funerary relief with eight figures, thought to have formed the base of a funerary monu
Funeral stele (painted limestone) of Mekimontu. Artist unknown; 18th Dynasty. Now in the Museo Egi
Varaha, the boar incarnation of the Hindu deity Vishnu, lifts the earth goddess Bhudevi. From Rajas
Marble relief of a physician named Jason, also known as Decimus, treating a patient. Artist unknown
famousartthroughhistory:Roman relief of Rheia handing stone toKronos, marble, 2nd c. CE
Selene, goddess of the moon, and her mortal lover Endymion. Roman marble sarcophagus, artist unknow
celtic-studies:Stone cross slab, the back is highly decorated including a hunting scene, but the ori
celtic-studies:Pictish sculptured stone slab depicting a horseman with sword and shield drinking fro
Ancient Worlds - BBC Two Episode 2 “The Age of Iron”Detail - Assyrian stone wall panel from the Cent
Ancient Roman tombstone depicting Heracles/Hercules and Hesione, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy,
An Assyrian soldier conducts captives in a boat. Gypsum alabaster relief, artist unknown; ca. 668-6
A hero subdues a lion. Relief sculpture from Wall M of the entrance court of the palace of Sargon I
Sandstone statue of Vishnu with personified attributes, from Madhya Pradesh, India. Artist unknown;
ancientpeoples:Stone relief of a slinger from the palace of King KaparaMid 10th Century BCNorth East
Plaque (marble with traces of paint) showing a horseman and a man on foot conversing. Artist unknow
Laconian marble grave relief depicting two enthroned heroes receiving offerings from (far smaller) w
Fragment in sunk relief of a female deity bearing offerings, originally used as decoration in the te
The ancient Egyptian sky goddess Nut. Detail from the greywacke sarcophagus of Sisobek, vizier of L
Relief frieze from the so-called “Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus,” depicting sea-creatures and deitie
Painted limestone relief depicting the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Thutmose III (r. 1458-1425 BCE). From t
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