Stone Relief
Theatrical performers with masks. Detail from a relief sculpture on a Roman sarcophagus, artist unk
Stone ballgame marker of the Maya. Now in the Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico Cit
Marsyas challenges Apollo to a musical contest. Frieze from the Roman-era theater at the ancient ci
The falcon-headed Egyptian deity Horus spears a foe, who is simultaneously attacked by a lion. Lime
Funerary stele of a Greek-speaking Egyptian named Elemon (Ἐλέμων) from Lycopolis, depicting the dece
met-greekroman-art:Stone votive relief of an ear with earring, Greek and Roman ArtThe Cesnola Collec
Artemis, accompanied by a hound and holding a torch, crowns a mare. Ancient Greek relief, artist un
Palazzo Vecchio by Yaroslav Romanenko Camera: Nikon D800
Base of a statue of the 3rd Dynasty pharaoh Djoser (r. ca. 2686-2648 BCE), showing his royal titles.
Fragment of relief from the grave of Generalissimus Ameneminet which is lost today. End of the 18th
Painted limestone stela of the steward Mentuwoser. Artist unknown; ca. 1944 BCE (Year 17 of the rei
Painted stone relief of a warrior from the tomb of Wang Chuzhi (863-923 CE), a senior military gover
Richard Miles ArchaeologistONE DAY, ONE IMAGEThe Lachish relief - detail. Assyrian stone panels, nar
Fragment of a limestone relief depicting Nefertiti, wife of the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Akhenaten (r. c
Painted relief of the ancient Egyptian official Kagemni, from his mastaba at Saqqara. Kagemni
Ancient Egyptian funerary stele for a bowman named Semin. Artist unknown; ca. 2120-2051 BCE (1
Ancient Egyptian limestone temple relief depicting Arsinoe II (316-270 BCE), sister-wife of Ptolemy
Stone slab bearing a Greek dedication to the Egyptian deities Isis and Serapis from one Marcus Agell
Wedgwood medallion with Venus and cupids English, late 18th centurystoneware with relief decora
Wedgwood medallion of Gaius English, late 18th centuryblack basalt stonewarePhiladelphia Museum
The king’s headThis is a stone relief from the palace of Ashurbanipal. Ashurbanipal and his qu
Granite doorjamb from a temple of the 19th Dynasty pharaoh Ramesses II “the Great”
A stone relief statue with flowers over his head at the Longmen Grottoes UNESCO world heritage site,
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