Stone Statue
olga svart
klassische musik
Sculpture (black schist with remnants of gesso and puja pigment) of the Hindu elephant-headed deity
Weaste Cemetery, Manchester, England.
Seated statue (schist) of the Hindu deity Ganesha, from Karnataka state, India. Artist unknown; 13t
Another statue from The Fairy garden on unakite. And since one particular song about Jaffa, oranges,
Sculpture (chloritic schist) of the Hindu divine couple Shiva and Parvati, known as an Uma-Mahesvara
Memorial to Sir Griffith Boynton, 1712 -1761. St Martins Church, Burton Agnes Hall, East Riding of Y
Statue of Horemheb, last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, with the god Amun. Artist unknown; ca. 1319-1
Monumental marble head of the Roman goddess Juno, wearing a diadem. Found at Vienne (ancient Vienna
mirekulous:Interesting set of old photographs of a Giant Stone Head… It’s seems half of it is still
Egyptian block statue (gabbro) of one Nespamedu, son of Paiunhor and Tanethut. Artist unknown; 305-3
dm let me pick what kinda stone fall got turned into and…. the possibility of marble statue b
Statue of a man (either an emperor or general) in a Roman military corselet decorated with Selene an
Ancient Egyptian statue (limestone with plaster and paint) of the upper part of a hippo goddess. Ar
Colossal portrait sculpture of the Empress Plotina, wife of Trajan, thought to have been made after
Sculpture of a seated girl, known as the “Conservatori Girl”. Roman copy of the Hadrianic period, p
Naophorous (temple-bearing) greywacke block statue of Psamtik[seneb], governor of Sais. Artist unk
Alabaster statue of a male priest, from the ancient Mesopotamian city of Uruk. Artist unknown; ca. 3
Dandy in the grounds of Burton Agnes Hall, East Riding of Yorkshire, England.
Stonemasons making colossal statue of the Pharaoh, from a Rare Record of Frescoes from Thebes, recor
Sculpture of the Hindu deity Ganesha dancing. Artist unknown; 1st half of 11th century. From Bihar
Sandstone head of the Buddha, from Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh. Artist unknown; ca. 6th cent. CE. Now i
Statue of Hermes,carved from Pentelic marble. Roman-period copy (1st or 2nd cent. CE) after a lost
Standing sandstone statue of the 11th Dynasty pharaoh Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II (r. ca. 2061 BCE-2010
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