viking recipe
laser control
go queen
At the privat view of my friends Pascale Wiedemann @wiedemannmettler & Daniel Mettler @mercypict
Shots for Tele Züri about beard grooming at The Barbershop Zürich of Eddine Belaid! #geroldbrenner #
It’s fall… can now wear again my Loden Janker#geroldbrenner #denim #jeans #overall #bir
More boho : 1970-attitude
Love denim! My patched jeans and the BALAGSNS jacket @rudjeanski it is so variable… Can wear
Denim… Some pattern… a tunic and a hat… ph Alexander Palacios @lookatpalacios #
Love my more than 25 year old denim overall bought it at Hyper Hyper in London. One of the best shop
Most innovativ dressed men The last Individualist I will introducein this serie is Pa Tuek @pa_tuek
Most innovativ dressed menToday I will present the Style of Luca @luca_lanz_ I like his combinations
A rare b/w photo of me… But the sunshine let blaze it! Thanks Alex for this shoot ! @lookatpa
… There areso many things to reflect aboutWish you a happy and relaxed week my friends! ✨ph A
I love wearing scarfs! This amazing one is a gift of my dear Instagram friend Benjamin @ademainbenja
It’s 5 minutes holdays to be in the Rhine ferry always!… and to ne covered in a navajo
Love patternmix! ph Jeroen van Rooijen @jeroenvroo for ‘NZZ AM Sonntag’ www.vanrooijen.c
Happy weekend my friends!ph Jereon van Rooijen@jeroenvroo Wearing à bag of my collection ‘Bren
Love denim & pattern mix A XXL turn-up ’ fair isle knit, tunic shirt and my patched boro b
Looks By Manaka Collection :. The Shadow Dress●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●Shop Online:. www.manakac
Always great to take a stop at my friends Nina @ninavroo & Jereon @jeroenvroo at Cabinet @ca
… art room in the nowhere,,, and yes I love pattern mix #geroldbrenner #menstyle #menswe
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