Studying Japanese
educational games
luca applewood
yul brenner
〜中(~chuu) means “during” in Japanese!During class in Japanese is 授業中(jyugyouchuu)During a meal
Studying hard
04.08/2015 (02:05 AM): Night time study session. Hiragana and katakana stroke orders.Night time mood
This page Is so dark but It became a little more readable that way, I am sorry about the bad look th
2tokyo: Books I use for studying Japanese. When I entered university I thought the books we would be
I’m mad that It’s weirdly colored but because It’s still readable, I don’t feel like re-scanning It.
mujistudies:| sources | studying japanese resources by @fuckstudyjapanese resources by @gachagachago
Note to self: I am resuming my Japanese studying. I studied 3 semesters in college then did a year l
It’s sooo hot … I’m about to melt The highest temperature today was 35 degrees!BT
Follow MasterJapanese on Instagram:www.instagram.com/masteryjapanese/
Follow MasterJapanese on Instagram:www.instagram.com/masteryjapanese/
Follow MasterJapanese on Instagram:www.instagram.com/masteryjapanese/
Follow MasterJapanese on Instagram:www.instagram.com/masteryjapanese/
Follow MasterJapanese on Instagram:www.instagram.com/masteryjapanese/
New style grammar cards, let me know what you think about it.
Follow MasterJapanese on Instagram:www.instagram.com/masteryjapanese/
9/17/2017Starting the day with some doodles in my Hobonichi ☔☔☔
mujistudies: | sources | studying japanese resources by @fuckstudyjapanese resources by @gacha
PREFACE: This is a nine part series of some important things to keep in mind while studying Japanese
PREFACE: This is a nine part series of some important things to keep in mind while studying Japanese
PREFACE: This is a nine part series of some important things to keep in mind while studying Japanese
PREFACE: This is a nine part series of some important things to keep in mind while studying Japanese
PREFACE: This is a nine part series of some important things to keep in mind while studying Japanese
I got a new language book for my birthday ayyyeee!
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