go jiyong
loretta a
Little bit behind.. but here’s my September TBR!Whatsnon you’re TBR this month?I also ha
Hello everyone! It’s getting to the end of my semester and I’ve got final projects comin
Hello guys!♥️ today photo is of the first 2 books on the 5th wave trilogy. I saw the movie and thoug
Hello guys! Happy Wednesday finally on the stomach of the week. I’m only 40 pages away from en
Tell me your last, current, and next reads! Happy Monday, Bookworms! How was your weekend? Did you g
What are six books you’d like to read soon? Or, what are you reading this weekend? We’ve
Have you ever done a buddy read before? What’s a book or series you’d like to buddy read
Hello everyone! How was your day? I had an insane logistics exam today but I’m hoping that
Hello guys! Super late night post. I’m beyond tired from school today I feel like everythi
Q: Have you ever bought a book because of Bookstagram? If so, which book, and what did you think of
Q: Which do you like more, sci-fi or fantasy books? (If neither, what’s your favorite genre?)
Hello guys!♥️ today photo is of the first 2 books on the 5th wave trilogy. I saw the movie an
What books are you hoping to read in May?? Happy first day of May, Bookworms! Are you guys ready for
Hello everyone! It’s getting to the end of my semester and I’ve got final projec
What books are you hoping to read in April?? Happy April, Bookworms! (But seriously, HOW is it April
What was your last 5 star read?? And, how do you decide if a book gets 5 stars?? Good Thursday Morni
Q: What genre are you absolutely loving at the moment?? Happy Tuesday, Bookworms! How’s your w
I’m so done with my life right now hahaha . . . . . . . . tags #ourchemicalhearts #krysta
It’s World Book Day! What are you reading today?? Happy Saturday, Bookworms! How’s your
Q: Have you DNFed any books this year? And at what point do you decide to not finish a book? We&rsqu
Q: What’s a book series that you still need to read?? We’ve made it to Wednesday, Bookwo
What are you currently reading? Or planning to read this weekend?? Happy Friday, Bookworms! The week
Have you started your first read of May?? And, do you have any fun reading habits? Happy Monday, Boo
TBR: The Heart of Betrayal, by @maryepearson I LOVED the first in this series. It is very rare that
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