iwearyoulikeanecklace: There will be no further explanation There will be just reputation
#Repost @mizburks15y (@get_repost)・・・#HappyMonday #message #getittogether #kingsivalueu #donttalkabo
Just so we all know that the Melinated beings have influenced all walks of life since the beginning
@Regrann from @epicurean1973 - #truthbetold #truethat #truestory #true #truth #whitewashed #soaked
Growth = continual epiphanies about life, love, self and values. Our timelines consist of cycles of
#truthbetold #wonderwoman #loveiseverthing #nevergiveup #bethelight #higherconsciousness #spiritualj
I think you’re brilliant and beautiful and busting with talent, and there isn’t
#truthbetold #realtalk #facts #justsaying #wordsofwisdom #godbodyconcepts #divinetruth #photooftheda
The conscious man needs more then just a pretty face and nice body. He needs #Goddess to bring his i
To believe that you will be ok no matter what happens. To believe that you are the master of your ow
Rediscover yourself and find your divine purpose. What is your #lifepathnumber? What planet are you
#facts #realtalk #truthbetold #justsaying www.instagram.com/p/B8EkUpQn_G7/?igshid=11q5tf8wa
#4biddenknowledge #truthbetold Do something you will always remember today. Take the leap and plant
Look at the difference is this enough to begin to #changeyourperspective is it enough to change #lif
Let me be very clear here. This is not a black or white thing. It’s far beyond race. The menta
#openyourmind #knowyourworth #knowyourself #knowledgeispower #selfreflection #godbodyconcepts #photo
More and more of us are coming to realize this. Recognize your own frequency (#knowledgeofself ) and
And thus is soooo very true! #realmenlovegod #realmenlovejesus #ilovemyfollowers #jesusfirst #realma
Yesterday was the physical code to health. This is the spiritual code to freedom. #meditiation #chak
If you want to find out the truth of what is going on, it’s very simple. #Research #doyourownr
I have provided 9 reasons why Covid-19 doesn’t have to be a factor if you implement them in yo
I’ll leave this here for you. Ask yourself is this so called stimulus (in America) free??? Or
If you are on the path to enlightenment I highly recommend you research these phrases. Which will le
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