maine coons
juban inari
tsuminubiaru:~MendingA/N: it looks better in original size, please orz
tsuminubiaru:Farewell, brother
tsuminubiaru:~ paint it pink, paint it red, paint it babyblue. it doesn’t hurt any less
tsuminubiaru: Hey everyone! I was asked to create these portraits for the PurgatoryCon’s Raffl
tsuminubiaru: so I’m sort of working on a simplified SPN Tarot Card Deck. So far I have t
tsuminubiaru:A/N: lol so much to trying to draw a back ground *manips one* I don’t think
tsuminubiaru: requested by precious theoryofboredom th r ough my wi n do w I &nbs
tsuminubiaru: Hey, guys and gals! So, guess what? I’m one of the fan artists House of Wolves
tsuminubiaru: …m o r e than you t h i n k s6
tsuminubiaru: …Wish for falling through the airTo give me some reliefBecause falling’s
tsuminubiaru: the s o l i d one, the lost, the edge yalc eht, tnarbiv eht, eno g
tsuminubiaru: c an ‘t go b ac k
tsuminubiaru: M i n d. Heart. Strength. Heart. S t r e n g t h. Mind. Stren
tsuminubiaru: Cora Hale & Derek Hale | Sister & Brother | 3.11 Coda …because
tsuminubiaru: - I will not fall prey to to society’s desire to turn girls into
tsuminubiaru: the D i v i n e Move  
tsuminubiaru: …My shadow’s the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart’s t
tsuminubiaru: Don’t w a k e me up, d o n ‘ t wake
tsuminubiaru: tsumi-noaru: What theys a i dW h a t they s a i d youcould b e c o m e&he
tsuminubiaru: “Stiles?” -
tsuminubiaru: ~ I won’t let you hold me back no matter what I lose A/N: tfwsecrets
tsuminubiaru: H e a r t of D a r k n e s s &n
tsuminubiaru: Farewell, brother
tsuminubiaru: MasterPost Alphas | Betas | Those Who Run With The Wolves | Guardians | Omegas
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