the emotion
Seoham’s SNS Update | 191022 | [Twitter] / [Instagram] 쓰마일 [Trans] Smile Trans By: fy
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191022 선라이즈 투어 종료❤️ [Trans] Sunrise tour ends❤️ Trans By:
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191020 뿌❤️ [Trans] Bbu❤️ Trans By: fy-kimjihun | Take out
Heejun’s Twitter Update | 191017 오늘 고마워여 팅커베엘❤️ [Trans] Thank you for today Tinkerbell
Jihun’s Instagram Update | 191025 벽에 붙어버려뜌 [Trans] Glued to the wall Trans By: fy-kimji
Dong.Hee’s SNS Update | 191014 | [Twitter] / [Instagram 퀸이랑 데이트 [Trans] Date with Quinn
Seoham’s Instagram Update | 191013 오늘은 #죽네투어 하는날! [Trans] Today is the day of the #Jukne
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191012 ❤️
170213 Suga’s Tweet 핫핑꾸 (t.co/DQaRcND77O) Trans Hot pinkku Trans cr; Jenny @ fyrapp
Heejun’s Instastory Update | 191014 [Trans] Date with Quinn today Trans By: fy-kimji
Heejun’s Twitter Update | 191012 오늘 고마워여 팅커벨❤️ [Trans] Thank you for today Tinkerbell❤️
Seoham’s Instagram Update | 191010 헿 [Trans] Heh Trans By: fy-kimjihun | Take out with
Heejun’s Instastory Update | 191008 [Trans] Why is it winter Trans By: fy-kimjihun |
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191008 추우니까 찜닭이징 [Trans] It’s time for jjimdak sin
Seoham’s Instastory Update | 191008 [Trans] The weather is really nice Trans By: fy-
Seoham’s Instagram Update | 191006 굿나잇 [Trans] Goodnight Trans By: fy-kimjihun | Take o
170326 Rap Monster’s Tweet Bye NYC #김데일리 (bit.ly/2lsdMxW) Trans Bye NYC #KimDaily Tran
170322 Suga’s Tweet 남미! 즐거웠습니다! (bit.ly/2lsdMxW) Trans South America! It was fun! Tran
170309 Rap Monster’s Tweet #몬 #옛윤기를찾아서.. (bit.ly/2lsdMxW) Trans #Mon #FindingOldPictur
170309 BTS_twt’s Tweet 생일 축하해주신 모든 분들 고마워요!! 잘 다녀오겠습니다!! (bit.ly/2lsdMxW) Trans Thank
170309 BTS_twt’s Tweet 아이이뻐 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ (bit.ly/2mDsbIc) Trans Ah pretty #HappyBirthdaySug
170309 BTS_twt’s Tweet 생일 축하행 윤기야 -룸메이트님께서 (bit.ly/2n0EYFn) Trans Happy birthday Yoong
170227 Rap Monster’s Tweet #김데일리 (bit.ly/2kxrWO6)Trans #KimDaily Trans cr; Elise @
fy-jiminnie: 170225 BTS_official Tweet [#오늘의방탄] 함께라는 말을 믿어~ 방탄이란 걸 믿어 #하트조준발사 (bit.ly/2kW0nz7
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