hot water
170812 — seventeen twitter update(© trans) (17’s) today with edge! let’s shake the world
170812 — seventeen twitter update(© trans) (17’s) did you have fun today too?we just met our c
[TRANS] 160226 Joon from Staff fancafe updateThe long awaited pictures from the ser of ‘VampDe
[CAFE] “Hello!! This is LOONA’s maknae Yeojin!!!”안녕하세여!! 이달의 소녀 막내 여진입니다!!! 다들 잘 지내시나여??? 저는 엄청나게 잘
[INFO] 210208 Solar will be on next week’s episode of KBS Joy “Ask us Anything Fortu
Seoham’s Instastory Update | 191008 [Trans] The weather is really nice Trans By: fy-
Seoham’s Instagram Update | 191006 굿나잇 [Trans] Goodnight Trans By: fy-kimjihun | Take o
bts-trans:170613 BTS’ Tweet마지막으로 태형이 호석이.. 4주년 감사합니다 여러분 pic.twitter.com/OR1dEsoQqdLastly Tae
Seoham’s Instagram Update | 191013 오늘은 #죽네투어 하는날! [Trans] Today is the day of the #Jukne
Heejun’s Twitter Update | 191012 오늘 고마워여 팅커벨❤️ [Trans] Thank you for today Tinkerbell❤️
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191020 뿌❤️ [Trans] Bbu❤️ Trans By: fy-kimjihun | Take out
Heejun’s Instastory Update | 191014 [Trans] Date with Quinn today Trans By: fy-kimji
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191022 선라이즈 투어 종료❤️ [Trans] Sunrise tour ends❤️ Trans By:
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191008 추우니까 찜닭이징 [Trans] It’s time for jjimdak sin
Seoham’s SNS Update | 191022 | [Twitter] / [Instagram] 쓰마일 [Trans] Smile Trans By: fy
Heejun’s Twitter Update | 191017 오늘 고마워여 팅커베엘❤️ [Trans] Thank you for today Tinkerbell
Heejun’s Instagram Update | 191012 ❤️
Heejun’s Instastory Update | 191008 [Trans] Why is it winter Trans By: fy-kimjihun |
Jihun’s Instagram Update | 191025 벽에 붙어버려뜌 [Trans] Glued to the wall Trans By: fy-kimji
Seoham’s Instagram Update | 191010 헿 [Trans] Heh Trans By: fy-kimjihun | Take out with
Dong.Hee’s SNS Update | 191014 | [Twitter] / [Instagram 퀸이랑 데이트 [Trans] Date with Quinn
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