nikolay losev
sg janna
embroidered purse
ep 804
FACT 603:In the dorm, the members constantly get confused about whose clothes belong to who since th
FACT 609:In the Chained Up MV, each room that the members are in represents 6 feelings that come fro
FACT 633:Leo predicts Ravi and Ken will become the next VIXX unit, while Ravi believes N and Hyuk wi
FACT 618:VIXX’s ideal spring dates N: Go cherry blossom viewingLeo: Share earphones and listen
FACT 626:What VIXX members vale most in life N, Leo: HappinessKen: Being considerate for othersRavi:
FACT 605:Ravi said that the members don’t really have their own privacy-it’s easy to fig
FACT 632:Leo’s favorite song on Whisper is “On a Beautiful Night”, while Ravi
FACT 620:Although many people would think Hongbin was popular when he was a student, he never receiv
FACT 621:Hongbin had his first crush in his 2nd year of middle school
FACT 628:Hongbin says he can hear Ravi snoring and sleepwalking even if he’s 2 doors away from
FACT 616:Hongbin envies Leo’s vocal range
FACT 623:When Hongbin was younger, he looked up to his cousin because he was smart, affectionate, an
FACT 622:When Hongbin was young, he wanted to become a vet after his pet dog died
FACT 625:VIXX’s favorite music genre N: VIXX discography & emotional ballad songsLeo:
FACT 634:VIXX members choose which members be a good dad and husbandN, Hongbin: RaviLeo: HimselfKen:
FACT 610:Hongbin actually learned how to swim a little, but his skills regressed over time because h
FACT 600:Hongbin wanted to play the role of a businessman in the Hana-Kaze MV
FACT 629:Ravi’s favorite track on El Dorado is “Lo-Fi”
FACT 624:The first CD Hongbin ever bought was one of BEAST’s albums
FACT 596:Ravi’s conception dream started with 2 frogs inside a house who were croaking loudly,
FACT 639:Ravi doesn’t like watching dramas because he gets impatient with the amount of episod
FACT 638:Ravi said he became a close friend of Kai after they were many broadcasts together. He was
FACT 637:Leo likes collecting Starbucks tumblers
FACT 636:N is trying to learn more English, so he recently got into contact with an English teacher
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