mujer azteca
I’m honoured when people trust me to immortalize their pets, it’s some of my favourite w
@travelonvagabond as the Artisan Row Festival Queen. They were covered in “sacrificial blood” for th
A nice surprise on this baby fennec fox - both middle toes share one heart-shaped bean! - - - - - #a
I’m working on more seahorses and can only hope they turn out as nicely as this one. Nfs -
Throwback to one of the first pieces I ever did, a flounder! Next show is in Little Rock at the end
Two faced chicken sweepstakes! Link in bio to purchase a $5 coupon that includes a free chance to wi
Getting everything ready for Dallas next weekend! Come see me at the @odditiesandcuriositiesexpo ! I
This big kitty is coming to Austin with me this weekend for the @odditiesandcuriositiesexpo - - - -
Thank you so much for 8k! I appreciate all of you so much! My next show is April 17th in Tulsa, come
Sorry for the radio silence! I’m working to get everything ready for the Dallas @odditiesa
There’s something very special about kitten paws. - - - - - - #aphelionnecrology #biology
Be sure to check out all different kinds of oddities necklaces! Currently on sale for black Saturday
This and a dozen more items just listed! Http://theboneslums.storenvy.com more to come tomorrow as w
NEW WEBSTORE IS ONLINE! Finally after months of hard work, our website is finished and we are able t
Me during biology class
Long spiky boi (Cornetfish)
FOR SALE: domestic Dwarf r.abbit skullI really need money so I’m selling some skulls. This is
FOR SALE: stillborn p.uppy skullI really need money so I’m selling some skulls. This is an ado
FOR SALE: subadult Small Asian m.ongoose skullI really need money so I am selling a couple of skulls
Finally got a s.eahorse skeleton ❤️ I have been looking for one for years. This one is a female Tige
FOR SALE: Persian c.at skull. This was an old c.at, and almost all its teeth have fallen out during
My newest skull: spotted H.yena. I used to have a brown h.yena but I traded it because it was quite
My new deep sea fish: a Slender snipe eel (Nemichthys scolopaceus). I’ve been looking for one
For sale: three striped Sk.unk skulls. All teeth are there (except for one small tooth in the loose
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