jymie merritt
How I thought #captainamericacivilwar was going to end… What do you think? Still such a great
Quick 3 hour digital painting for a #backtothefuture art show that never happened. Finally posting i
How I thought #captainamericacivilwar was going to end… What do you think? Still such a g
Quick 3 hour digital painting for a #backtothefuture art show that never happened. Finally posting i
Color version! #batman meets #disneyinfinity with a #WEEARTS twist! Happy Sunday! Which one do you p
#batman meets #disneyinfinity style… With a little #weearts twist :). Something I&rsq
#nightwing about to kick some @$$ in the rain! Fun sketch to do, always like to add that little bit
Late night sketch! I love the new Spider-Man costume! I can’t wait for #captainamericacivi
Animated style concept of my good friend @dannylashep as #nightwing! Been wanting to do something th
#cyclop sketch! Wanted to do a quick sketch of the new outfit and kinda see if I can add an &ldq
New favorite #quicksketch of mine of #harleyquinn… #suicidesquad gets better and better a
Did a 20 min #batman #sketch late last night… Wanted to show with as little as possible a
#doctorstrange quick sketch! I just had to do something! Omg that was such a fantastic trailer! At f
#punisher sketch!! Man @jonnybernthal is so good as Frank Castle! Oh and I’m at #wondercon
#wondercon 5x7 prints I’ll have available at the show! I’m really liking how the
Late night #daredevil quick sketch! Getting super pumped for season 2!! Cheers! #mattmurdock #darede
Trinity! I’m really excited about #batmanvsuperman… Unfortunately I need to fig
#wonderwoman piece, I really wanted showcase how badass she is, definitely one of my new favorite sk
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