hema talk
Woke up with this handsome boy staring me down. He just wanted some #snuggles, but it just dawned on
#hakunamatata, bitches, #itmeansnoworries. We should all take a page from #timon and #pumbaa. #imstr
Bear started in the mid 400’s and his AMPS is down by over half in just a couple days on 1 uni
16.9 pounds. Someone’s going on a diet. #tails #hesabigboy #allpetsanimalclinic #ishouldbewri
robbrink: #snoopy #writerlife
When you’re woken up before your alarm… Poor Bear looked a hot mess when I turned the l
Hello everyone, my name is Joselin! The hopefully soon to be author of #hiddentruthsseries I am 22 y
Business trips mean lots of alone time to write and read … but missing this cutie! Oh, an
Business trips mean lots of alone time to write and read … but missing this cutie! Oh, an
Catfight casualties. Ended up at MedExpress for what I thought was a stubbed or fractured pinky. End
Bella and Buffy thinking everything belongs to them. Nosy girls. #todaywasrough #ishouldbewriting #i
Was able to enjoy some sun at #wavetek earlier. It was beautiful and we made it home before the stor
tag yourself i’m chaotic plantser
Whether you’re celebrating Easter, April Fool’s Day, or Camp NaNoWriMo, I wish y
Northern California winter trades snow for sunshine and holly for toyon berries.
Hello everyone, my name is Joselin! The hopefully soon to be author of #hiddentruthsseries I am 22 y
Whether you’re celebrating Easter, April Fool’s Day, or Camp NaNoWriMo, I wish y
16.9 pounds. Someone’s going on a diet. #tails #hesabigboy #allpetsanimalclinic #ishouldb
When you’re woken up before your alarm… Poor Bear looked a hot mess when I turn
Bear started in the mid 400’s and his AMPS is down by over half in just a couple days on 1
These two boys stole a piece of pizza off the counter so I bought them their own. . . . . . #ishoul
Sweet boy sleeping with his tongue out. . . . . . #soontobeexhusband #reportedmychangeinmaritalstat
Ninja may be turning gray, but he’s still majestic as fuck. #procrastination #ishouldbewri
Bella and Buffy thinking everything belongs to them. Nosy girls. #todaywasrough #ishouldbewriting #i
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