Xviii Century
hh alastor
lir major
Espejo atribuido a William Kent, 1733-34.
Self Portrait by Thomas Gainsborough, 1758-59.
Lord Charles Spencer, segundo hijo del tercer duque de Marlborough por Reynolds, 1759.
hierophilic:iridessence:heavybomb:ira-scargeear:XVIII Rococo set made to order for a fellow hobbyist
history-of-fashion:1790s French master of the end of the XVIII century - Portrait of a youth in astr
Portrait o a man by Francisco Bayeu, 1785-90.
monsieurleprince:Norman Lindsay, XVIII century themed illustration
Laoconte por Andrea Appiani, 1790 aprox.
Arcos en ruinas por Hubert Robert segunda mitad del s. XVIII.
Curraghmore House, Ireland.
Copa con un pez, obra realizada en Castilla en la segunda mitad del s. XVII o la primera mitad del s
Portrait of a youth in a striped waistcoat (unknown French master, 1790s)The Pushkin State Museum of
Diary of a Bone court official, 1790-1800.GIFed by Sarah J Biggs.
Giulia Lama por Giambattista Piazzetta 1715-20.
Las dos hermanas por Jean Claude Richard, Abad de Saint-No, 1770
Kedleston Hall by Robert Adam.
Bodegón con ostras, ajos, huevos, perol y puchero por Luis Egidio Meléndez, 1772.
Alcibiades y Timon por Richard Westall, finales del s. XVIII, primer tercio del XIX
Fauno por Johan Tobias Sergel, 1774.
Giovanni David, by Gabriel-François Doyen?, 1783 ca.
Saint Benedict of Palermo, Attributed to José Montes de Oca, c. 1734. San Benito de Palermo, obra at
⛰Mon Repos or Monrepos is an extensive English landscape park in the northern part of the rocky isla
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