Yoruba Religion
drawing books
wandering fae
Yemanja/ Yemaya
Ewá, is the orisha of the Yewa River, a watercourse that runs in the State of Ogun, in Nigeria, oris
Iemanjá, Yemoja, Yemaya,sculpture by Abayomi Barber (1971). National Gallery of Art, Nigeria.
Settlements of Orishas (igba orisa) at Oduduwa Orisa temple, Mongágua, Brasil
Oya/Yansan shrine, Brazil
Yemanja/ Yemoja in new world orisha of Sea, and goddess of Ogun river.
Iemanjá (Yemaya/Yemoja) shrine, Brazil
Shango / Xango
Yemoja/Iemanja temple at Rio Vermelho, Salvador, Brazil,
Eshu/ Barra/ Elegua /Elegbara
Yemoja / Yemanja, Nigeria photo by Portal Ifá na Nigéria
Shrine of Sakpata (Obaluae) and Nana Buruku, Brazil
Yemonja/Yemanja and Ibeji, Yoruba art
Yoruba mask used in the Gelede festival. Now in the Glenbow Museum, Calgary.
Yemaya (Iemanjá/Yemoja) altar at Cuba
Ogun, orisha of iron, metal works and roads, photo by Tiago Sant´anna.
Offerings to Orishas, Candomblé temple, Brazil
Yoruba-style helmet (copper alloy) depicting two birds of prey attacking a horse-headed snake. From
Yoruba twin statuettes covered with shells. Artist unknown; 20th century. Now in theMusée du quai
Oshun orisha of the river Oshun and fresh water, luxury and pleasure, sexuality and fertility, and b
At Oshun Festival, Osogbo, Nigeria
Ibejis, twin orishas
Eshu, Benin
Orishas offerings, Brazil
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