polo suede
true ally
Single Chinese people are always on the lookout for Mr. or Ms. Perfect. Mr. Perfect in Chinese is 高富
Batman - 蝙蝠侠 (biān fú xiá), and Superman - 超人 (chāo rén) are no match for Chinese learners who study
Even people in ancient China knew that studying only takes you so far. It’s important to take
So many Chinese cities to explore, so little time…don’t sweat it though! We’ve go
Get flirty with today’s #YOYOslang - 放电 (fàng diàn) - literally “release electricity&rdq
Exciting news! The YoyoPad, featuring our patented Character Retention Automation Program (C.R.A.P.)
Normal, boring shopping in Chinese is 购物 (gòu wù). But if you shop like your life depends on it, the
Chinese language and travel go hand in hand. Show Chinese friends your cosmopolitan view of life wit
Can you guess what this Chinglish phrase actually means? 爆肚 (bào dǔ) - “Explodes the stomach&r
Don’t judge a book by its cover! 不要以貌取人 (bú yào yǐ mào qǔ rén)! This Chinese idiom, or 成语 (ché
Make sure your Chinese tattoo has the right meaning! Click the picture to see 4 more funny Chinese t
If you’re single and ready to mingle, then you are a 单身狗 (dān shēn gǒu) - “single dog&rd
Think giant teddy bears and roses are 俗气 (sú qi) - tacky? Then you’ll love learning about Chin
Who needs Valentine’s Day?! Show your disgust for this love-crazed tradition with 肉麻 (ròu má)
Guess what?! Yoyo Chinese Google Hangout is back this week! We have a special Chinese New Year lesso
Make sure your Chinese tattoo has the right meaning, so you don’t embarrass your family - 家 (j
Finding love in China is serious business - just ask the crazy matchmaker (媒人 - méi rén) in the phot
Why would Chinese people want to beat their fragile phones? Take a guess, then check out the real me
Happy Lantern Festival! 元宵节快乐 (yuán xiāo jié kuài lè)! Chinese people celebrate by eating 汤圆 (tāng y
Many Chinese people believe that the year of your birth sign - 本命年 (běn mìng nián) is bad luck! If y
Pinyin is the most commonly used, standardized system to ”spell” Chinese words in the Roman alphabet
Do you know what it’s really like to work in a Chinese office? You might be surprised by h
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