blood ts
please stahp
Zipper –right where it needs to be…!
“Brainwashing?? What…like, with shampoo?”
I imagine She uses Her headset to broadcast instructions to all her Zipnotized followers…
many zippers to play with…
vitamins are very importantas are Suits with Zippers that goUppppp and Down
Oh, wait, I remember this…there was a post the other day…um…let&rsq
“Yes…I DO wear a leash. But the question is: are you strong enough to hold the othe
the Shelter in Place Order is being strictly enforced
Isn’t this the day we open our presents?Oh, it’s Thanksgiving?So it IS the day for openi
celebsbeinghot:Rachel Weisz
‘All Zipnosis is self-Zipnosis…’So they say
Perhaps touching the ‘Orb of Brainwashing and Obedience’ wasn’t the best idea she
selfiewatch the selfie aswatch she selfie as shewatch the zipper as shezip goes down as shemind goes
a new chapter begins…
“this is nothing,…” she thought“I can hold this position for hours&
it’s so easy tojust…let goand see where the road takes you
feel the heet
Suddenly it’sShiny Suit Saturday
Dove sinks into a cat-atonic state…
what happens when you play with your Zipper and neglect your duties…
“Hey, you wanna do up my Zipper?”
how far will YOU go?
“Wanna try it on?Just slip into it and I’ll Zippp you Up…!”
“…really, all you need to do is just watch…watch as the Zipper goes down
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