普洱熟茶中料级最嫩的茶叶被称为宫廷。抱朴堂景迈宫廷普洱,料选海拔1800米以上的云南澜沧景迈古茶园,百年古树茶与原生态乔木共生,茶树生长环境的随机性增加了采摘难度,茶芽尤为珍贵。经传统工艺引山泉水渥堆发酵而成。茶质干净,口感细腻,茶味醇正。十年久藏,温润醇香。 “Royal Pu'Er” Fermented Pu’er tea In tea industry, Pu’Er tea made with the most delicate buds are called “Royal Pu’Er”. BaoPuTang Royal Pu'Er is made with tea buds picked from trees randomly grow in Jingmai ancient plantation located at altitude of 1800m (5900ft) or above,at LAncang .The randomness of tea buds and the difficulty of picking process limit the availability of this delicate tea product, which makes it one of most precious tea varieties. -- source link