standardmoves:Adho Mukha Svanasana to Shalabhasana Downward Facing Dog to Locust PoseKelly Ann Charl
standardmoves:Adho Mukha Svanasana to Shalabhasana Downward Facing Dog to Locust PoseKelly Ann CharlesStart in downward facing dog pose. Spread the fingers wide, feet are hip width apart and chest is pressing towards the thighs, tailbone is high. Start to ripple the body forward into plank pose. Squeeze the elbows in against the ribs and bring the chin to rest gently on the mat. Start to kick off the toes sending one leg and then the other up towards the ceiling. Gently release the legs down and roll the shoulders back to open the chest. To make this pose more accessible, float just 1 leg up towards the ceiling, hold for 3 breaths and then switch legs.Good for balance and creating energy in the bodyStandard Moves presented by PUMA. -- source link
#yoga#locust pose