arofili: elves of arda ✷ house of finwë ✷ headcanon disclaimer  
arofili: elves of arda ✷ house of finwë ✷ headcanon disclaimer Morifinwë Carnistir was the fourth son of Fëanáro Curufinwë and Nerdanel Istarnië. Named for his dark hair and ruddy complexion, Carnistir was always a reserved child who preferred spending time by himself in his studies of economics and history rather than socializing with others his age or even with his family. He tolerated the journeys he took with his father and brothers, but resented gatherings with his extended family, especially when his uncle Arafinwë visited Tirion from his home in Alqualondë, bringing with him his loud and bothersome children. He often quarreled with the sons of Arafinwë, and there was ever unfriendship between them, growing into hatred as they grew older and their arguments became more and more serious. Carnistir dabbled in many crafts, but found none to his liking until shortly before his fiftieth birthday, when his grandfather High King Finwë encouraged him to pursue his grandmother Míriel Þerindë’s craft of needlework. Though anything regarding his deceased mother was a difficult subject for Fëanáro, he was nonetheless proud of his son for carrying on her legacy. Warmed by his father’s praise, Carnistir remained dedicated to him even amidst political turmoil, following him to exile in Formenos and beyond. Amid the Darkening, Carnistir swore his father’s Oath to regain the Silmarils, and fought with him at Alqualondë against the kin of his despised Arafinwëan cousins. He sailed in the stolen swan-ships to Losgar, and alongside all his brothers save Maitimo the eldest, set them alight to prevent his cousins and their hosts from following. Though the horror of his youngest brother Umbarto’s burning amid the flames weighed heavily upon him, Carnistir did not regret leaving behind his half-kin, for he most of his father’s sons hated the children of Indis, though his ire was focused more upon the sons of Arafinwë rather than Fëanáro’s rival Nolofinwë. Yet not long after their arrival in Endórë, Fëanáro was slain by monstrous Balrogs, demanding his sons to renew their dreadful Oath with his dying breath, and though Maitimo took his place as their leader he too was soon taken from them, dragged into the depths of Angamando after a parlay gone wrong. Carnistir buried his anger and grief deep inside himself and set about establishing the beginnings of a city on the shores of Lake Mithrim, providing for his people the best he could. Though he resented Makalaurë his brother for not taking up the mantle of king, he did not speak openly against him as did his brothers Tyelkormo and Curufinwë, instead working alone as he always had organizing work crews and making clothes for the needy among his people. Upon the miraculous arrival of the second host of the Noldor, led by Ñolofinwë and the sons of Arafinwë, Carnistir rose out of his self-isolation and joined his rowdier brothers in protesting Makalaurë’s weak leadership. Just before the situation escalated to further bloodshed, Makalaurë agreed to claim the High Kingship of the Noldor, only for his coronation to be interrupted by the astonishing return of their eldest brother Maitimo, who had been rescued from Angamando by his favorite cousin Findekáno the Valiant. Maitimo reasserted his authority over his brothers and their host, and though they were all glad to see him living they were shocked by the great change that had come upon him both physically and mentally, for he was now missing a hand and marked by scars upon his flesh and in his soul. Carnistir was furious when Maitimo ceded the High Kingship to Ñolofinwë in order to reconcile the two hosts of the Noldor, but held his tongue as he and his brothers were dispossessed, for he yet respected Maitimo’s authority. Then a council of the Noldor was held. Here Angaráto, son of Arafinwë, gave news of Elu Thingol King of the Sindar’s decree as to where the Noldor were allowed to settle. Carnistir’s anger burst forth now, for he had no respect for Angaráto and little for Thingol. Maitimo, known now as Maedhros, restrained him, and Carnistir’s patience grew ever thinner. When Maedhros took the followers of Fëanáro eastward to construct a fortress upon the Hill of Himring, Carnistir was the first of the brothers to depart and found his own lands in Thargelion, where he fortified the mountains and set up a city at the base of Mount Rerir beside Lake Helevorn. Here he ruled over all of Talath Rhúnen, and the land came to bear his name: Dor Caranthir, for such was he called in the Grey-elven tongue. Caranthir and his followers explored the heights of Ered Luin, looking further eastward in wonder, and there it was that they first met the dwarves, Children of Aulë. Both their peoples loved skill and were eager to learn, and against their common enemy of Morgoth they established an alliance and much trade, and Caranthir came to great profit from his dealings with the dwarven cities of Belegost and Nogrod. Yet despite their cooperation there was little friendship between Caranthir and the dwarves, for they were both reserved and suspicious peoples, and preferred to keep their secrets to themselves. But knowing his younger brother Curufin well, Caranthir took it upon himself to introduce him to the dwarven-smiths, and many great works were wrought with their combined skill, and the riches of lands east of Beleriand passed first through Caranthir’s hands before making their way further west. Over the centuries, Caranthir established himself as a merchant and economist, supplying his brothers with grain and goods. He warmed slowly to the Sindar, striking up trade with them as well as the dwarves, but when Men first appeared in Beleriand he discounted them as it seemed to him they presented no opportunity for commerce. He ignored their settlements in the southern woods of his lands, and only took notice of them when an orc-raid descended upon the Gelion-Ascar stockade manned by the Haladin. He came to their aid, driving the orcs into the rivers and liberating the Haladin from their attackers, but it was too late for their chieftain Haldad, who had perished seven days earlier. Instead Caranthir dealt with Haldad’s daughter Haleth, a fierce and proud woman who refused his belated offer of friendship and protection of the Eldar. Rather than become vassals to him, Haleth determined to lead her people west to join the other Houses of the Edain, and they remained a people apart from the elves. Yet Caranthir was impressed by Haleth, and kept up a correspondence with her, even visiting her in the lands of Brethil where her people settled. Though Haleth and Caranthir grew close, their relationship was always somewhat combative if only in words, and thus it was an immense shock to Caranthir when he learned, ten years too late, that he had fathered a child upon his mortal friend. This child was named Rýndil by Haleth, and they were always accompanied by a beloved hound, each named Tallagar in succession though they were not always of the same breed. Rýndil was raised among the Haladin and held little regard for their father, who was absent and distant even after he learned of their existence. They were proud to stand among their mortal kindred despite their half-elven heritage, and refused Caranthir’s belated offer of kinship should they relocate with him to Thargelion upon their mother’s death. Rýndil remained in Brethil for several generations of Men until their differences from the other Haladin grew too great for them to continue to dwell among them. Still they did not seek out their father Caranthir, for they loved the Haladin still and would serve as a guard of Brethil’s borders. The Siege of Angband could not endure forever, and when Morgoth judged the Noldor to be complacent in their Long Peace he sent forth his dragon-servants with their evil fire to break the leaguer set upon him. This Battle of Sudden Flame was disastrous, and in it fell many brave and noble warriors of the Eldar and Edain, and the eastern realms held by the Sons of Fëanor fell one by one. When Maglor’s Gap fell, the dragon Glaurung led a host of orcs to the western slopes of Mount Rerir, ravaging all Thargelion and defiling Lake Helevorn, and in the face of this destruction Caranthir and his people fled southward to join his brothers Amrod and Amras, retreating to the fortress upon Amon Ereb. Caranthir took up the primary defense of the fortress, maintaining a watch and some strength of war with the aid of the Green-elves of Ossiriand, their allies. In this Dagor Bragollach, Angrod and Aegnor the sons of Arafinwë fell, and despite his long feud with them Caranthir spared a moment of sorrow for their loss, for they had stood long against the Enemy, and were yet his kin. Some years after the Sudden Flame, a party of orcs crossed into Brethil, where they were rebuffed by the Haladin and the marchwardens of Doriath. Here Rýndil fought alongside their kin and befriended Beleg Cúthalion, who learned of their half-elven heritage and gave them an elvish hound to replace their companion who fell amid the fighting. Rýndil and their newest Tallagar began to roam farther and farther from Brethil as the Haladin treated them with increasing hostility. After learning of the miraculous triumph of Beren and Lúthien and the birth of their own half-elven son, Rýndil attempted to seek out this other peredhel, but was rebuffed by the Green-elves who guarded their abode. Now at last Rýndil turned their heart toward their father, and thinking Caranthir would give them a place to fight against the Enemy they traveled south to Amon Ereb. There they encountered the folk of Pegmûl, Men of the East who had recently allied themselves with Caranthir, and also their uncle Celegorm, who treated them harshly until he met Tallagar their hound, at which point he softened and grew sad. Disturbed by this strange behavior, Rýndil resolved to keep their identity a secret as the Fifth Battle approached, and marched in disguise in their father’s host. Yet the battle turned ill, for Pegmûl’s folk betrayed the Union of Maedhros, and though Rýndil saved their father’s life Tallagar was slain amid the retreat. Caranthir, already reeling and guilt-stricken by his vassals’ betrayal, was faced with another shock as he recognized Rýndil among his warriors. Rýndil confronted him and his brothers, astonishing them all by revealing their relation, and though father and child fought long into the night eventually they reconciled and Rýndil resolved to remain with the Fëanorian host, for they felt they had nowhere else to turn. Celegorm remembered them from before, and arranged to provide them with another hound descended from Valinor; upon Rýndil’s one hundredth birthday, Caranthir gave them another gift: a father-name in the tradition of the Noldor, Hatalquar for their—and their mother’s—proficiency with a spear. Traversing Beleriand was dangerous in the aftermath of Morgoth’s victory in the Nírnaeth Arnœdiad, and so for decades the Fëanorian host remained hidden in Ossiriand. When the Black Sword of Nargothrond rose and cleared much of the lands of orcs, the sons of Fëanor sent Amrod, Amras, and Rýndil as scouts to learn if the way southward was clear, for they thought to reclaim Amon Ereb. Along this journey, Rýndil learned of the death of Beleg Cúthalion their friend and mourned him, but it was true that the Black Sword had drawn the eye of Morgoth, and thus the Fëanorians returned to their fortress upon the lonely hill. In the aftermath of Thingol’s death, Celegorm rallied his brothers to attack Dior Eluchíl to regain the Silmaril won by Lúthien. Despite Maglor’s protests, Maedhros, who had been lost in grief since the death of his beloved Fingon in the Fifth Battle, conceded, leading them to battle against their fellow elves once more. Rýndil was horrified by this cruelty and refused to participate in the battle, and thus on the eve of the invasion they planned to desert their father and his bloodthirsty kin. Caranthir caught them before they could leave, and though Rýndil braced themself for conflict, he instead expressed his pride in their decision, for the Oath lay heavy upon him and he wanted his child to be free of its awful burden. Caranthir bid Rýndil farewell, knowing in his heart this would be their last meeting, and helped them to slip away, directing them toward the Havens by the Mouths of Sirion. Rýndil escaped, but traveled first to the ruins of Brethil where they had been born. Only a dwindling remnant of the Haladin remained, the rest having fled or perished in the wake of grievous infighting, and those who clung to life in Amon Obel treated Rýndil with great suspicion. Rýndil paid their respects to the Haudh-en-Arwen where their mother was buried, then traveled to the Havens of Sirion where they were surprised to meet their Fëanorian cousins Celebrimbor, Gil-galad, and Erien, children of Curufin and Maedhros. Yet this meeting was not glad, for upon their arrival they learned what had occurred in the Second Kinslaying, and of their father’s dreadful death. Caranthir had been the first of Fëanor’s sons to fall, cut down by Dior’s guards as he rushed into the throne room with no sense of self-preservation. Rýndil found themself equally angry and sorrowful, for they knew he had flung himself into battle with intentional recklessness, hoping to be slain before he could be twisted by his Oath into more evil. Celegorm and Curufin had died also, killed dueling Dior himself; and though he also was slain, his Silmaril had not been found, and so the remaining sons of Fëanor were yet haunted by their Oath. For some years, Rýndil dwelt upon the Isle of Balar with their cousins and their hound, attempting to build a new life for themself. Some of the Haladin had found their way to the Havens, but increasingly Rýndil found themself more and more distant from their Mannish kin, caught up instead in the politics of the elves. When Maedhros discovered that the Silmaril was at the Havens, held by Elwing Dior’s daughter, Rýndil advised Elwing to surrender the jewel, for they knew the Fëanorions would stop at nothing to regain it. Yet Elwing refused their counsel, and soon the Havens fell, and Rýndil was filled once more with grief and rage at the despicable actions of their uncles. Yet hope was not all lost. Though Morgoth ruled Beleriand, and only Balar remained as a refuge for the Free-peoples, at long last aid came from the West. The Host of the Valar arrived in all their splendour to liberate Beleriand from Morgoth’s clutches, and the War of Wrath began. Rýndil served as a courier between various hosts of elves and Men, for they were respected by Fëanorians, Sindar, and Edain all; they reunited briefly with their uncles Maedhros and Maglor who alone survived of Fëanor’s seven sons, and learned of their fostering of Elwing’s sons. Amid the fighting, Tallagar (the Eighth, and Celegorm’s gift to Rýndil) perished, and the Maia Eönwë took pity upon Rýndil, granting them a new companion: Hráviel, a hound of Oromë and a being of great power. As the War of Wrath drew to its bloody close and the remaining Silmarils were reclaimed from Morgoth’s crown, Rýndil grew uneasy. Eönwë refused the demand of Maedhros and Maglor to relinquish the jewels, and Rýndil knew their uncles would persist in violence until they attained their goal or met a gruesome end. Grim and grieving, for Hráviel had been killed in the final assault upon Thangorodrim, Rýndil determined they would attempt to fulfill the Oath of Fëanor themself, for they were Fëanáro’s kin, and no one would be expecting them to steal the Silmarils. Rýndil disguised themself as one of the Silmarils’ guards and was right about to put their plan into action when Maedhros and Maglor struck first. Before they could protest, their uncles drew their blades and slew each of the guards, taking the Silmarils for themselves—and ending Rýndil’s life. Only too late, after the holy jewels burned their hands, did Maedhros and Maglor realize what they had done, and the horror at having murdered their own brother’s child added to their overall misery as they fled the judgement of the Valar once more. Rýndil’s spirit was called to Mandos, where they were offered the Choice of the Peredhil. After much deliberation, they choose the fate of the Eldar, their decision influenced primarily by their friendship with their elvish cousins and the hope of reconciliation with their father once more. Yet always would they honor their mother Haleth and the Haladin their kindred, and furiously abandoned Valinorean society after the drowning of Númenor and all its mortal souls. But eventually all their family would be reborn, those they had known and those they had not, and Rýndil would even reunite with their father Caranthir and find happiness with him and his family. -- source link
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