valle calamuchita
cy-lindric:Caranthir and Haleth sketch before bed, might finish something with it later.
remusjohnslupin:make me choose↳ anonymous asked: house of bëor, house of haleth or house of hador
haleth:“Will you be my Valentine?“ Happy Valentine’s Day A little something for my dear friend
mauveshadow:Haleth badass warrior princess of my heart
tosquinha:My new Haleth “Thank you but no, thank you” the Hunter
taurielsilvan:♛ legendarium charactersHaleth (F.A. 341 - F.A. 420) Haleth the Hunter was the daughte
fyeahthesilmarillion:Then Haleth held the people together, though they were without hope; and some c
glorfindhel:But at last Haldad was slain in a sortie against the Orcs; and Haldar, who rushed out to
remusjohnslupin:The House of Haleth, also known as the Haladin was the second House of the Edain to
Haleth rough
Caranthir: Day 4 for (Rule 63) @feanorianweekCaranthir & Haleth talking about…important m
petitedilly:Caranthir and Haleth, by Catherine ChmielThat horse *-*
niyochara:from the each three houses of edain :D1. Beor2. Hador3. Haleth
imbirart:That feel when your brother and father were just killed but you still have to deal with Car
Caranthir and Haleth <3 Really, they would be a nice couple?
princemaedhros:Characters of the SilmarillionHaleth the Hunter : the daughter of Haldad and twin sis
remusjohnslupin:But Haleth was proud, and unwilling to be guided or ruled, and most of the Haladin w
Lady Haleth.Aredhel / Lúthien / Elwing
beruthielthequeen:Haleth“…Haleth was a woman of great heart and strength. But at last Haldad w
stoneofthehapless:Haleth; art by steameyWhen therefore the Haladin had gathered all whom they could
fyeahtheraceofmen:And Haleth dwelt in Brethil until she died; and her people raised a green mound ov
russingon:HALETH & CARANTHIR:A source of much speculation over the ages was the meeting of the E
@feanorianweek 2021 - caranthir | marriagengl i love when people write caranthir and haleth as “LACE
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