100tuesdaytips Gallery
iphone conversation
jack simcock
end station
TUESDAY TIPS — Wire GestureHere’s another way to approach Gesture Drawing. In order to s
Tuesday Tips — Dynamic VS Flat stagingA huge component of storyboarding is to use the camera p
Tuesday Tips — Head Space — As an audience, our eyes are mostly tracking the head (and e
Tuesday Tips — Grow A SpineAs simple as it sounds, a character “standing up straight&rdq
Tuesday Tips - Embrace The Nose / It’s very easy to take shortcuts when drawing the nose, and honest
Here’s another page on the arm. This time, a few examples on how the volumes move in space. In
First of two overall reference page for arms. There’s no need to actually draw muscles on ever
Tuesday Tips - Cape It Simple!I don’t need to add too much explanation today. A cape, cloak or
Tuesday Tips - Structure/Gesture: Why Not Both!Probably one the most compelling issue to deal with w
Tuesday Tips — Long Lines : one way to bring a pose “together” and simplify it in
TUESDAY TIPS — Wire Gesture Here’s another way to approach Gesture Drawing. In o
Tuesday Tips — Dynamic VS Flat staging A huge component of storyboarding is to use the cam
Tuesday Tips — Head Space — As an audience, our eyes are mostly tracking the hea
Tuesday Tips — Grow A Spine As simple as it sounds, a character “standing up str
Tuesday Tips - Embrace The Nose / It’s very easy to take shortcuts when drawing the nose, and
Here’s another page on the arm. This time, a few examples on how the volumes move in space
First of two overall reference page for arms. There’s no need to actually draw muscles on
Tuesday Tips - Cape It Simple! I don’t need to add too much explanation today. A cape, clo
Tuesday Tips - Structure/Gesture: Why Not Both! Probably one the most compelling issue to deal with
Tuesday Tips — “It’s An Eyebrow Thing”— A recurring note a story artis
Tuesday Tips — “It’s An Eyebrow Thing” — A recurri