Antiquarian Maps Gallery
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Recent Discoveries in the Arctic Regionsdrawn by Jehoshaphat Aspin 1838London John Harris 1838measur
Chart of the World from the Best Authorities engraved by J Russell 1818 - later hand colour A fascin
New York Subway Guide New York Transit Authority Classic design by Massimo Vignelli used from 1972-1
Mid 19th century plan of Plymouth Tallis / Rapkin c1850
Superb 17th Century map of Westmorland by Blaeulater fine hand colour
detail from an original early 19th century map of Asia dated 1803original outline colour
Romanum Imperium[Roman Empire]1798 - contemporary hand colour
Asia drawn from the best authorities T Kitchinc1780
Beautiful engraved title page c1610 - now just over 400 years old with contemporary colourMercator H
Map with no place names.Some of the maps in Abbe Gaultier’s Geographical Games were printed in
Map with no place names.Some of the maps in Abbe Gaultier’s Geographical Games were printed in
18th and 19th century maps..
Map of the Countries of the South Sea Panama to Guayquil - Thos. Kitchin Senr 1795
Captain Pugwash’s Mappe
This 1850 map of Louisiana shows canals, roads, and steamboat routes. It includes the distance of st
This view of Frankfurt am Main shows the German city as it existed in the middle of the seventeenth
[FREE-SHIPPING!] $35.95 c1866 Cyclopaedia of Biblical Geography - 2V in 8 - With 29 Plates inc Maps
[DISCOUNT!] $6.34 Penguin Guide G5 Derbyshire 1st Ed 1939 DJ RARE Bartholomew Maps Collectible Books