Backyard Chickens Gallery
volker bertelmann
hairy tail
Round chickens
Orpulf looking over his flock. Used a strong artificial light source for these pic’s, turned out rat
Punk’s Not Dead (??? EE maybe?) and one of the WendyJays (lavender Orpington).
A small selection of my small fowl for your enjoyment.
Waiting in line at the water bubbler, by /u/MissChea
CO-PARENTING HENSThis year we have a lot of co-parenting pairs of hens. Two hens will share a nest a
Jeff the baby roo
Leap of faith
Erika C, Western Washington Poultry FB
When your friend comes over and is attacked by your fierce flock of velociraptors. Via FB
Pia & Cricket, pullet chicks from the Winter 2015 hatch. These girls are all grown up now. Pia i
Inspecting their new digs
A selection of chicks©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
We are growing. I very recently welcomed these lovely ladies to the homestead. I have no idea what k
pretty girl
Best Chicken Breeds for Backyard Flocks Use our survey results to help you choose the best chicken b
What To Feed Chickens: Formulating Your Own Chicken Feed Joan Salmonowicz tells readers what to feed
Beauty’s comb is ridiculous.
Happy Saturday everybody! I’m having a lazy day hanging out with my hens while Poppy + Stella
Fuzzy butt
Our little chicken coop and run in the woods. Well. “Little.” The run is 10′x12′, the coop is 8′x4′x
Raven - Iowa Blue chicken
Watching over his flock