Boysofyoga Gallery
idol erection
pro snowboarder
#utthitahastapadangusthasana Strengthens and tones the thighs, calves, and ankles. It stretches the
#sukhasana on Panther rock awesomeness at #magicpoint I love that magic point can be seen from my lo
#jatharaparivartanasanaGenerates elasticity and strength in the core; twists the abdominal organs to
Half way to #suptavirasana or reclining hero pose I always stay here for a breath or 2 just to lift
1 of 3Sunset dreaming #rajakapotasana #yogaeverydamnday #yogalife #yogi #yogaeverywhere #asana #yog
#virasana Increase flexibility in the knees and hips, tone the muscles in the arches of the feet, an
#ardhachandrasana Half moon pose strengthens the abdomen, ankles, thighs, buttocks, and spine. Stret
2 of 3#handstands on a rock in truly epic scenery ♂️#yogaeverydamnday #yogalife #yogi #yogaeverywhe