Californianative Gallery
r6 mozzie
From a raucous, awesome tour with my best friends #eel #eeltour to the beautiful mystical, Santa Cru
#PaeoniaCalifornica / #CaliforniaPeony. One of the weirdest-looking plants we have out here. They lo
I simply cannot capture the massive amount of #EhrendorferiaChrysantha on this hillside. Photos don&
#CastillejaExserta / #PurpleOwlsClover in the #ValleyFire2020 burn area. I didn’t see any of t
#CastillejaExserta / #PurpleOwlsClover in the #ValleyFire2020 burn area. I didn’t see any of t
I had never found #SalviaLeucophylla in the wild before and the first time I ever did there were the
More pictures from #WrightsFieldAlpine like a month ago: #FritillariaBiflora / #ChocolateLily, featu
#DiplacusPuniceus just putting on a show up on the hill behind my classroom. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #c
#PrimulaClevelandii. I don’t know why these ones were clustered like this but I’m not co
#FritillariaBiflora / #ChocolateLily. I’m in love. But there’s bad news. These grow in
With the help of many local community members and nature practitioners nearly 30+ native plants have
I’m teaching a virtual nature journaling workshop @californiabotanicgarden! See the repost
Yesterday I picked up a bag of subject material for the Nature Journaling Workshop @californiabotani
Driver didn’t have a scratch…glad they mainly crashed into the nonnative plants. My
Awesome time doing tai chi, digging trenches, and pulling weeds ❤️ #californianativeplants #regenera
Did some “Lasagna Mulching” last night #killyourlawn #californianativeplants #decolonize