Geophysics Gallery
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When rotating, fluids often act very differently than we expect. For example, an obstacle in a rotat
More uses for gravityOur last post talked about using changes in Earth’s gravity field to measure gr
ALMA Shows Volcanic Impact on Io’s AtmosphereIo is the most volcanically active moon in our solar sy
Peak Ground AccelerationWhen you look at a seismogram, a classic one, what are the units on the vert
The biggest water cycleAs I’m writing this, there are a handful of puffy white clouds in the s
What is happening to the Earth’s Magnetic field? Is it the next disaster?Over recent weeks, you may
The Mexican Subduction ZoneToday, June 23 2020, there was a large magnitude earthquake near Oaxaca,
The New Madrid Seismic ZoneAbout once a year, residents of the counties at the border between Kentuc
The world’s oldest chunk of oceanic crust, hiding in plain sight in the Mediterranean?The Midd
How do we know what kind of fault an earthquake happens on?This image shows data from the earthquake
Dragons, Frogs and EarthquakesToday, when an eartqhuake occurs, scientists around the world can be n
Rocky Mountain HighIf you drive from the Mississippi River to Denver, you increase in elevation by o
The Emperor’s HeadOur modern thinking behind hotspots is that they are generated by mantle plumes. A
Human activity (Cars, trains, people) vibrate the ground enough to produce a background shaking meas
LogarithmicWe often say that earthquakes are logarithmic. On the moment magnitude earthquake scale,
Our global ocean currents move enough water to dwarf the flow of all Earth’s rivers. But clima
When bodies of water meet, they don’t always mix right away. Here we see the confluence of the
Where in the Earth would you be the heaviest?Standing on the surface of Earth, or in orbit around th
Not all icebergs melt equally. Through a combination of experiment and numerical simulation, researc
Underneath the Dry Valleys may not be so dryA recent study led by a researcher from the University o
Impact Down UnderIt’s no surprise to find old craters and scars of meteorite impacts in the vast lan
Moulin SeismicsMoulins are deep vertical shafts on a glacier/ice-sheets that helps drain meltwater f
Today’s cameras and drones capture volcanic eruptions in ways that were unthinkable in years p
Hidden in the deep.Deep beneath Africa and the Pacific Ocean sits…something intriguing. We’ve never