Language Bujo Gallery
personal blog
yoshiyama hiromi
hoping everyone is having a great start of the weekmore study and inspiring content on my instagram
*Pardon the language but seriously: Stay Home! April 2020 #bujo #bulletjournal #planner + #journal =
Latin is IT (from a tumblr meme) #bujo #bulletjournal #planner + #journal = #plournal #zibaldone #La
eyelinerandintegrals:some notes on Catullus! tag me in your posts! I track #eyelinerandintegrals and
みんなー久しぶり!!Long time no original post!Hey guys, I’m finally done with all my exams in this 4th
hoping everyone is having a great start of the weekmore study and inspiring content on my instagram
01/08/20 ♡ Long time no see! Honestly, lockdown has been really taxing on my mental health, and a lo