Manyoshu Gallery
I searched my entire collection for a good photo for these. There was nothing quite right, but this
923 on Flickr.山部宿祢赤人詠故太上大臣藤原家之山池歌一首 Yamabe no sukune Akahito, one verse composed on the garden pond
IMG_1296 on Flickr.式部卿藤原宇合卿被使改造難波堵之時作歌一首 Lord Fujiwara no Umakai of the Ministry Ceremonial, one ver
1421 on Flickr.Making my way through some of my favorite poems from Volume 2 of MYS, despite the fac
IMG_0812 on Flickr.勅穂積皇子遣近江志賀山寺時但馬皇女御作歌一首 One verse composed by Tajima no hime-miko when Hodzumi no
IMG_1160 on Flickr.I really should include the chōka for these two, but I find these two hanka quite
IMG_1113 on Flickr.古 人尓和礼有哉 樂浪乃 故京乎 見者悲寸 古の人に我れあれや楽浪の古き都を見れば悲しき Is it that I am in fact a person of
IMG_6135 on Flickr. 長忌寸奥麻呂、詔に答ふる歌一首 Naga no Imiki Okimaro, one verse in response to an imperial comm
IMG_3457 on Flickr. 佐保河之 水乎塞上而 殖之田乎 [尼作] 苅流早飯者 獨奈流倍思 [家持續] 佐保川の水を堰き上げて植ゑし田を [尼作] 刈れる初飯はひとりなるべし [家持續]
Dokdo Romance on Flickr. 水霧相 奥津小嶋尓 風乎疾見 船縁金都 心者念杼 水霧らふ沖つ小島に風をいたみ舟寄せかねつ心は思へど minagirapu/oki tu kosima
IMG_4083 on Flickr. 紫之 根延横野之 春野庭 君乎懸管 鴬名雲 紫草の根延ふ横野の春野には君を懸けつつ鴬鳴くも Murasaki no/nebapu yokono no/paru
IMG_3439 on Flickr.衾道乎 引手乃山尓 妹乎置而 山徑徃者 生跡毛無 衾道を引手の山に妹を置きて山道を行けば生けりともなし Pusumadi wo/pikite no yama ni
Lady Kasa, as collected in the Man'yōshū
I searched my entire collection for a good photo for these. There was nothing quite right, but this