Oceanology Gallery
pfw fw19
Satellite photo of the Celtic Sea (which borders the north and westof Cornwall) and the English Chan
Sea ice and a polar bear in the Fram Strait (Arctic Circle).Sea ice is frozen seawater that floats o
Anoutcrop of Silurian limestone in Saaremaa (Estonia).Thislimestone formed during the Silurian perio
A killer whale swimming amid floating ice in the Ross Sea(Antarctica).The melting and freezing of se
Seaice in Antarctica.TotalAntarctic sea ice has actually increasedslightly since 1979(according to t
RossIce Shelf (Antarctica, 1997).Iceshelves partially rest on land, and partially float. Sea ice is
Icebergsin the Ross Sea (Antarctica, January 23rd,2006).Aniceberg is a floating fragment of a glacie
Satelliteimage of the Arctic (2ndSeptember, 2012), from the Suomi NPP satellite. This is a &ld
Antarctica(September 21st,2005). The terrain and cloud cover are taken from images in 2004 and
Seaice in the Arctic Circle.Aswater and air temperatures rise each year near the Poles, some of thes
Sea ice in Antarctica.Ice that survives the summer melt season can last for years.For ice to thicken
Sea ice in the Arctic Circle.Arctic sea ice has seen a dramatic decline in recent decades. Ine
Springice chokes the Bering Strait (7thMay, 2000). Ice is flowing southwards from the Bering S
Acabin in the Beaufort Sea, where some coastlines retreated over 24metres in 2007.Theloss of sea ice
Satelliteimage of Antarctica (January 27th,2009), from the Aqua satellite. This image was take
Sea ice in the Arctic.Sea ice is frozen seawater floating on the surface of the ocean. Itrestr
Sea ice formation.When seawater begins to freeze, it forms tiny crystals onlymillimetres wide called
Seaice in the Arctic Circle.Sincethe mid-2000s, low minimum extents of Arctic sea ice have become th
Antarctica (September 21st, 2005). The terrain and cloud cover are taken from images in 2004 a