Old Clinic Gallery
zoecravitz:“He’s a 57 year old fuckwit. He shot – he is – he shot three people at an abortion clinic
zoecravitz:“He’s a 57 year old fuckwit. He shot – he is – he shot three people at an abortion clinic
zoecravitz:“He’s a 57 year old fuckwit. He shot – he is – he shot three people at an abortion clinic
zoecravitz:“He’s a 57 year old fuckwit. He shot – he is – he shot three people at an abortion clinic
zoecravitz:“He’s a 57 year old fuckwit. He shot – he is – he shot three people at an abortion clinic
THANK YOUToday in peds outpatient clinic, I had a 15 year old male that wants to transition to femal
市松模様の床の医院→詳細 The old clinic with checkered floor.
Child Clinic | Pripyat | Chernobyl
universallypanned: listen, seeing this scene as a clinically depressed 12 year old was earth shatter