Pariscartepostale Gallery
Rain, rain, go away, come again another day… Do you think that worked? . . . . #topparisphoto
Nothing like the details of Paris! . . . . #architecture #rsa_doorsandwindows #jj_doorsandwindows #
End of summer roses in the Palais Royal. Deep inhale…why doesn’t IG have smell-o-vision
When it’s this hot in Paris, you have 3 options: 1. Leave the city 2. Stand in front of your f
During my last trip to Paris, @enrys186 brought me to @chouxodette for an afternoon tea. Their choux
“The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live. Be a man before being an arti
Saturday wanderings. Enjoy your holiday weekend-my American friends! . . . . . #paris #seemyparis #
Nothing more chic than the doors of Paris! I love them so much that I had to put them on my new tote
Big announcement coming tomorrow about a new product I’m launching! Check back tomorrow mo
Saturday wanderings. Enjoy your holiday weekend-my American friends! . . . . . #paris #seemyparis #
During my last trip to Paris, @enrys186 brought me to @chouxodette for an afternoon tea. Their choux
The Tour Montparnasse has quite possibly the best 360 view in Paris. Its not too busy either. . . .
“A La Mort, On Laisse Tout”: At Death, We Leave Everything. Les Catacombes de Pa
59 Rivoli is a 5-floor contemporary artists’ commune/squat/studio complex where there are
The Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital was originally a gunpowder factory in the 17th ce
“The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live. Be a man before being a
Doesn’t this street just scream summertime? I instantly think of cotton candy and creamsic
La rentrée with style! Only Parisians can make it look this good! She even manages it with a
End of summer roses in the Palais Royal. Deep inhale…why doesn’t IG have smell-
Nothing like the details of Paris! . . . . #architecture #rsa_doorsandwindows #jj_doorsandwindows #
Bon dimanche ! May your Sunday be fun of light, love and beauty! . . . . #paris #parisjetaime #pari
Nothing more chic than the doors of Paris! I love them so much that I had to put them on my new tote
I need more summers like this. . . . . #paris #placedevosges #architecture #fountain #park #picnic
Big announcement coming tomorrow about a new product I’m launching! Check back tomorrow mo