Roman Paganism Gallery
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E.C. Kiesling, “Corporal Punishment in the Greek Phalanx and the Roman Legion: Modern Images a
Thank you to those who’ve been following this blog over the past 5 ½ years and to those who j
Lararium replicasFirst row: Wood Lararium kit 20 mm x 26.5 cm x 30 cm/Wood Lararium kit 25.5 cm x 27
“What I think I do” memeFeatured Images:An offering of incense at an altar during a religious ritual
Asclepios, Lord Paian,healer of all, you charm away the painsof those who suffer.Come, mighty and so
honorthegods:Adult Home Study for Hellenic and Roman Polytheists How do we know what we know about t
7 Days of the week bracelet Seven Olympian gods depicted as the gods of the planets in correct order
Detail from View into the temple of Vesta, drawing by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, 1818. © Photo: Kupfer
Sacred Source offers replicas of Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, and Egyptian devotional images, as wel
The reconstructed Mithraeum (temple of Mithras), Saalburg Roman Fort, Limes
Mithra, Tauroctony from Rome
Roman PriestsFrancisco Goya, The Sacrifice to Priapus-The Sacrifice to VestaThis is a list of the mo
requiem-on-water:moirai by ezo renier
YOU ARE FOREVER MAKING HISTORY.Never forget this. Each time that you feel tempted to romanticise the
Father Mars, I pray and beseech thee that thou be gracious and merciful to me, my house