Sandersforpresident Gallery
meat girl fantasy
else bottomless babes
Kiss black cock
Bernie and his supporters whenever a union does not endorse him
From the Vault:Bernie the NRA candidate and in opposition to the Brady Bill
Supposedly, Bernie fell asleep during the impeachment trial??? This is the guy that is gonna inspire
Bernie Sander’s campaign and supporters complaining about Senator Warren winning the WFP endorsement
I like how Bernie fails every metric that he and his campaign/supporters parrot as the reasons why h
I love the fake outrage from bernie bros and I love how quickly they all take on the same arguments.
I keep being told by Bernie supporters that he’ll win the midwest largely because “He’s the only can
I love whoever made this hahaha
Damn, for once Bernie Sanders should take his own damn advice on something.
Where is Bernie?
“Us against Everyone…” This is the message the Bernie campaign is sending out? Oy vey hahahah
Huh, I thought the GOP would wait to see if Bernie clutched the nom before they would start spreadin
The Sanders campaign has been saying it’s unfair to ask him for this information but not other candi
Gosh, they really are into authoritarianism…
Never thought Martin O’Malley would be giving me so much LIFE this year!
Diamond Joe throwing some punches
Bernie at it again… smh
Trump wins Virginia if Bernie is the nominee, pass it on
uh-oh. Vermont must be googling “replace Bernie Sanders”
A text sent from the Sanders campaign to a Warren campaigner…They really know how to win supp