Screenshotsaturday Gallery
train yard
scooby doom
Highlander (Ocean, 1986)
Bruce Lee Lives: The Fall of Hong Kong Palace (Mindscape, 1989)
I released this unfinshed exploration thing called My Unfinished Beach on my page, you can c
Here’s a little progress gif of one of our recently designed demon enemies. Tentatively named ‘The U
“The fear of dying is an outdated and prehistoric feeling” (Dr. Spielgman)
forthewarp:A trading station somewhere in Xintho System…
The White Rabbit is currently winning! Who gets your vote?
World Heroes (SNK, 1992)
Zen Nippon Pro Wrestling Dash: Sekai Saikyō Tag (Natsume, 1993)
Hello!!!! It’s saturday. Screen shot plus a bonus gif!
Faked the hair thingie in Blender (Cloth simulation, vertex parented empties and IK constraints on t
Okay, I sorta forgot about this: While I’m focussing on getting the player character done right, I a
Trying to capture some of the feedback juice particles for a screenshot here. We need more juice! Ch