Spanish Langblr Gallery
ogino chihiro
awed-frog:Not bad for a bunch of random noises we make with our mouths. Well done, everyone.
thesekidsarestillkillingme:alternativecheese:lackyannie:in any language, we know this painthis is fu
concerningduolingo:“Are you a doctor?”“Me? Doctor? Ah…”“Yes. I… am a doctor.”“That’s good!”Eddy is n
youraverageavocado:8 Spanish Words We Should Be Using in English
Instrumentos - instrumentsel instrumento - the instrumentel piano - pianoel piano de cola - grand pi
Las estaciones - the seasonsla primavera - springel verano - summerel otoño - autumnel invierno - wi
04.07.2021 (78/100 Days of Productivity) For July, I decided to learn Spanish. This website ‘here’ i
My library of language books. I have about 20 others books that can’t fit!
when you cool af
youraverageavocado:8 Spanish Words We Should Be Using in English
¡Hola a todos! Hello everyone!(I didn’t post a video last week! Sorry!!!)But I’m s
Instrumentos - instrumentsel instrumento - the instrumentel piano - pianoel piano de cola
Las estaciones - the seasonsla primavera - springel verano - summerel otoño - autumnel invier
mapsontheweb: Spanish is heavily gendered, but it comes from u/claudiocorona93
¡El verano ha llegado! - Summer has come!sustantivos (nouns)el verano - summerla estació
blackgirlmagicstudyblr: Friday || 06-16-17 || Day 62/100 These are written up notes by @ourspanishbl
la madrugada: dawn (00:00 ~ 5:00)la mañana: morning (~5:00 - 11:59)la tarde: afternoon (12:00
Fill in the blank:Mañana voy a _______. (Tomorrow I’m going to _____)Remember to write
Fill in the blank:Me gusta _______. (I like to _____)Remember to write the next verb in infinitive.S
nerdinaomi: Vocab ListsUseful PhrasesBoost your Spanish with more complex synonyms for words you alr
Mental note:Treat yourself as you would a small child: feed yourself with healthy, varied and nutrit
Oh no, I don’t want to die…Oh, come on… You’ll like it at th
Do you want to come and read in bed with me?