Urbexworld Gallery
Abandoned Cemetery山奥の無縁墓地,日本
Kawaii!! Spherical Gondola - B丸いゴンドラのロープウェイ,日本
Milson’s Point drain
被災した医院Abandoned clinic Ⅱ
廃鉱の錆びたレールRusted rails, Abandoned mine.
夏の朝 夢の跡Abandoned mine Ⅱ
夏の朝 夢の跡Abandoned mine
被災した医院Abandoned clinic
煉瓦造りの発電所跡Abandoned power plant.
夏の朝 夢の跡Abandoned mine Ⅲ
Abandoned clinic with a beautiful operating room.
天空の城鉱山Abandoned mine.
Abandoned Big GAMEBOY山中の廃ゲームボーイ,日本
Stanwick Iron Age Fortifications , North Yorkshire, England.An excavated section dated 1st century A
urbexworld:Abandoned Calvary baptist church that was build in 1892 and closed in 2012.
urbexworld:Abandoned red roof inn in Bedford, Ohio.
urbexworld:Abandoned baptist church in Cleveland Ohio
Bar Room Blues.
POWERPLANT XThere are these huge industrial sites you couldn’t possibly ‘deal’ wit
ANTIQUES ROADSHOWIn the backyard of a garage I came across this collection of discarded cars and bus
COUVENT DE L’ANCREFrom the scant information that can be found on the internet about this former mon
USINE ESCARGOTA second part of a visit to this immense, still active steel industry (see also: Power
BIG LAUNDRYThere is little to tell about this industrial laundry. The laundry complex, which was ori
SCHOOL OF DECAYAt the end of the 19th century, education in this village was limited to the municipa