Veganswholift Gallery
Forever sad that the front of this dress wasn’t cute on me
I started an Instagram a while back for health + fitness things. If anyone wants to follow, feel fre
Olympia must have inspired me Finally reached my summer goal of deadlifting 1.5x my body weight. 3 w
Work 8hr/day 5days/week, 6day a week lift, gradually increasing cardio. I need this week at the beac
Trying to increase my protein while maintaining between 75-80% (after experimenting the last few mon
It feels amazing when people recognize your hard work Someone at the gym asked me the other day what
Late breakfast today: oats, banana, dates, raisins, oatmilk and cinnamon
Maxed out my deadlifts at 130lb personal best Even better kept form for all of them! Deadlifts 5
I’m high carb vegan and I got 90g protein today. Cruelty free and I can name EVERY ingredi
1 month difference! It’s not much but I see lots of progress in my back and lats! Wasn&am
Maxed out my deadlifts at 130lb personal best Even better kept form for all of them! Deadlifts 5 at