Week 140 Gallery
We’re All Different, Yet the Same (不一樣又怎樣) by Jolin Tsai (蔡依林). 2014.Released on Tsai’s thirteenth s
The Idiot. dir. Sandi Tan. Sandi Tan is the director of the popular 2018 documentary Shirkers and wo
Selected works. Liu Ye (劉野). Oil on canvas. 2002. “ Seeking beauty is the last chance for huma
We Bare Bears dir. Daniel Chong. 2015.We Bare Bears is an animated series shown on Cartoon Network,
Hunks of the week #140
becauseyoulovemebb: Episode of the Week (140) - 4x16: The Bones that Foam BONUS:
Poseidon of Melos (circa 140 BC)
muspeccoll: This week’s manuscript fragment comes to us from France and dates to around 1400.
Whew, I’ve got 1404 images to go through from this past weekend at Metrocon!! In the meant
140625 Weekly Idol Twitter Update
140625 Weekly Idol Twitter Update
haneuljinki: 140625 Weekly Idol Official Update
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