Whole30 Gallery
couture fall 1018
bokep Barat
travel postcards
Socrates once said that the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old,
Today I want to talk to you about regret. Regret, like all emotions about the past is at face value
I have always struggled as the “fat kid”. My search for happiness led me to food
This is a story of boy meets tennis ball. It was November 2010 and my life was at rock bottom. My ma
COURAGE is not the absence of fear. Anyone can perform when they aren’t afraid, when ther
When you weigh 440 pounds, finding clothes that fit you feels a lot like musical chairs: you&rsq
What created the motivation to transform? What is the catalyst for this kind of a complete 180? A lo
January 1st is coming soon which means one thing: millions of people are about to Google the questio
An investor does not purchase an asset because of how much it is worth today. But what happens when
YES YOU CAN. “I can’t” is a self fulfilling prophecy and oftentimes,
Salmon with Blistered Tomatoes Hey! I have missed all of you so much. Though I’m not retu
Seven Years ago Sunday, I hit what I thought was rock bottom. I was morbidly obese at almost 450 pou
What do you believe about yourself and the things that hold you back? When no one is looking or list
Japanese chicken curry over broccoli rice with green beans and carrots. The fiancé had some p
QUESTION OF THE DAY: are your daily activities bringing you closer to your goals? “I don&a
#Breakfast scramble! Broccoli, prosciutto, caramelized onion, and a scrambled egg. #paleo #caveman #
New favorite breakfast inspired by a snack I picked up @hukitchen ! Diced apple (of your choice), ci
Taste the rainbow. Avocado tuna salad with tomato, bell pepper, red onion, and a squeeze of lime. #p
I know I’m being “that girl” right now, but I’m definitely o