Affectionate Men
A lovely little pair of pictures of the same two chaps, and not the first time I’ve seen such indeci
It’s near-impossible not to smile when looking at this adorable photograph from 1910s America, an ar
A neatly mirrored crossing of the legs makes this 1890s studio portait stand out, I’m also intrigued
What a pity these sitters did not decide to annotate their photographs, how nice it would be to know
A distinct contrast to my previous post, this all sweet smiles and charming innocence!
tuesday-johnson: ca. 1860-90s, [tintype portrait of a man sharing the last of his drink with the ot
I do so enjoy finding further photographs of people I’ve shared here before - this pair of
Whilst many Victorian gentlemen sitting for their studio portrait together chose the simplest expres
A charming group portrait here, two men and their devoted dog, looking quite comfortable to lie acro
Two delightfully entangled young chaps from the early 20th Century, everything about this makes me s
A delightful double portrait of two unknown gentlemen at the turn of the century. The good-looking f
Such a sweet scene from 1890s Nebraska! Unsually for this era, the photographer was female, one Mrs
A delightful if somewhat delapidated submission from a reader, here, how very fortunate that the dam
Two fetching fellows clasp hands in this 1910s studio photograph; with their sharp stylish haircuts
Quite simply splendid! This photograph has it all : the dapper chaps in superb hats, the elaborate p
An affectionate pair hold hands in their studio photograph, taken in turn-of-the-century America - n
A quite exquisite simplicity, set free from time and place by the delicate fade out, nothing matters
A lovely touch, the soft hand-tinted blush to their cheeks, and I do so like the edges of pictures l
ofinteresttosome: Young Irish Love (via the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 1920) A charmi
What dapper young fellows, all sleek and smart in matching black double-breasted coats.
Affectionate gents around the turn of the last century, one bearing the usual glum expression, but t
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