ap-pokemon:#518 Musharna - The Drowsing Pokémon. Musharna can make the dreams they’ve eaten material
ap-pokemon:#563 Cofagrigus - Imitates an elegant coffin to lure in unsuspecting grave robbers and to
ap-pokemon:#156 Quilava - Fully covered with fire-proof fur, Quilava intimidates foes with its flame
ap-pokemon:#454 Toxicroak - Has a poison sac at its throat;when it croaks, the stored poison is chur
ap-pokemon:#380 Latias - Can enfold her body with a glass-like down to refract light which can rende
ap-pokemon:#087 Dewgong - Loves frigid seas with ice floes and snoozing on bitterly cold ice. Dewgon
ap-pokemon:#052 Meowth - Loves to roam at night to gather coins and other objects that sparkle, thou
ap-pokemon:#303 Mawile - Its huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been transformed. Mawile’s
ap-pokemon:#637 Volcarona - The Sun Pokémon. It appeared during a bitterly cold winter when ash from
ap-pokemon:#561 Sigilyph - The Avianoid Pokémon. A Sigilyph will use its psychic powers to attack an
ap-pokemon:#609 Chandelure - The Luring Pokémon. The swaying of the fire on Chandelure’s arms hypnot
ap-pokemon:#528 Swoobat - Can fire a variety of soundwaves from their nostrils, some powerful enough
ap-pokemon:#327 Spinda - It is said that no two Spinda have the same pattern of spots. The chances o
ap-pokemon:#006 Charizard - Loves to battle, and spends a great amount of time training or looking f
ap-pokemon:#006 Charizard - Loves to battle, and spends a great amount of time training or looking f
ap-pokemon:#445 Garchomp - The Mach Pokémon. When it folds up its body and spreads its wings, Garcho
ap-pokemon:#243 Raikou - Embodies the speed of lightning, with a roar that sounds like crashing thun
ap-pokemon:#064 Kadabra - When using its psychic powers, this Pokémon emits alpha waves that induce
ap-pokemon:#196 Espeon - Has developed psychic powers due to a combination of great loyalty to its T
ap-pokemon:#258 Mudkip - The fin on Mudkip’s head acts as highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to
ap-pokemon:#571 Zoroark - Capable of creating illusions that are indistinguishable from reality. Unl
ap-pokemon:#123 Scyther - Blindingly fast, when Scyther moves it leaves only a blur. If it hides in
ap-pokemon:#052 Meowth - Loves to roam at night to gather coins and other objects that sparkle, thou
ap-pokemon:#319 Sharpedo - A generally dreaded and distrusted Pokémon, Sharpedo is nicknamed “the bu
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