Dentistry Student
bachelor film
homestuck ship
5-5-18Hello Tumblr! Update: I started my summer classes two weeks ago at a new uni. As some of you m
8-5-18One thing that dentistry taught me: It’s okay to make mistakes & be less than perfect. I s
3-22-18Mint green spread.More bujo? Dentistry study notes? Book captures? Let me know
Blobfish-face A coronal section through a developing jaw (when flipped upside down) looks like poor
4-14-18Finally up with a new spread (not finished yet) I’m currently reading on prosthodontics and i
Teeth Their Natural History with the physiology of the human mouth in regards to artificial teeth by
Dermatology and Dentistry RotationThis was by far the most relaxed rotation, with only two and a hal
A Pacinian Fingerprint at the Scene of the CrimeWith all of this criminal activity it’s not su
The Ro-lung Stones The Stones’ ‘Hot Lips’ logo formed from a blood vessel filled w
Jurassic Pork The pork tapeworm Taenia solium or a brachiosaurus?i♡histoThis image shows the tapewor
Photophobic follicular hypodermal conjunctivitis Was looking at skin biopsies yesterday.But I accide
✨ Happy Star Wars Day ✨May the Fourth be with you!i♡histoStar Wars histology from top left, clockwis
1-19-18 Made the boldest decision in my life so far. I’ve decided to transfer to another schoo
8-5-18 One thing that dentistry taught me: It’s okay to make mistakes & be less than p
1-18-18 Here’s my first for 2018. Been gone for too long! My bad. Study hard everyone!
5-5-18 Hello Tumblr! Update: I started my summer classes two weeks ago at a new uni. As some of you
3-22-18 Mint green spread. More bujo? Dentistry study notes? Book captures? Let me know
3-1-18Sorry for not posting for a while, I’ve been dealing with an art/blog/instagram crisis l
Blobfish-face A coronal section through a developing jaw (when flipped upside down) looks like poor
Jurassic Pork The pork tapeworm Taenia solium or a brachiosaurus?i♡histoThis image shows the tapewor
A Pacinian Fingerprint at the Scene of the CrimeWith all of this criminal activity it’s no
The Ro-lung Stones The Stones’ ‘Hot Lips’ logo formed from a bloo
Santa Larvae Hurry down my cecum tonight! i♡histo A nematode larva (Contracaecum) in the digest
The Creepiest Fibroblast You Will Ever See With a nucleus straight from the fiery depths of hell*ihi
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