gina vasquez
Thanks to @thesill I have a new birds nest fern #indoorgardening #plantlife #houseplants #plantmom #
Thanks to @thesill I have a beautiful new pothos plant! #pothos #indoorgardening #plantlife #housepl
I might have a problem… #indoorgardening #plants #greenwitchwww.instagram.com/p/Bykv-
I did a big indoor gardening project this morning. Some of these babies are new and some of them are
Thanks to @thesill I have a new snake plant! #indoorgardening #plantlife #houseplants #plantmom #sna
xeduo: coolthingoftheday: #indoorgardening when ur airbags go off and u get a face full of cactus
From: Elliott, F. R. (Franklin Reuben), 1817-1878. Hand book of practical landscape gardening. Roche
Hare’s Foot Inkcap? (Coprinopsis lagopus)? Or Parasola plicatilis? These little mushrooms hav
I’m eating nasi goreng with my basil plants because what do I need friends for. #plantsfor
Coming right along! #faeriegarden #indoorgardening #sootsprites #succulents www.instagram.c
A beautiful day for faerie gardens #succulents #fairygarden #faeriegarden #indoorgardening https:/
All three of my Phalaenopsis orchids are in bloom at the same time! The veiny one is a rebloom off
Juicy poinsettias… forbidden grapes… forbidden honey… forbidden che
Five petal flower on my Kalanchoe!!!!! I bought this Kalanchoe blossfeldiana because the flowers on
My vanity area is still a work in progress, but I’m really happy with how I rescued this t
My Christmas Cactus surprised me with another flower!!!! This was the Schlumbergera bridgesii I bou
I’m filling the void in my life with plants… New orchids, adorable mini phalae
Baby’s first African Violet!! I’ve never seen a variegated one before, so when
You ever see a fern with spores this big???? ( Trypophobia warning? ) I went to cat-sit for a few d
Poinsettia seed progress!! Only my peachy poinsettia bloomed (apparently my variegated one had alre
Custom pots for my two orchids!! They’re mini Phalaenopsis orchids, I’m pretty
Baby’s first Monstera! (And Bromeliad!) I know I haven’t been posting in a whil
I’m eating nasi goreng with my basil plants because what do I need friends for. #plantsfor
IS THAT A SPIDER?!?! NOPE! Just a part of the flower! Lmao, I’m lying in bed, and all of
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