Korean Vocabulary
wide hips self pics
buttercream cake
품사 - Parts of SpeechSince my post from yesterday, I got a lot of requests to do more linguistic term
번역 - translation1. *빤– *stare / *멍–stare into space/out of it / 휴지 - tissue2. *걱정, 걱정 - worry, worry
This is a post I made when I first started this blog, but I thought I’d bring it back since it’s a r
Places: Stores Read below for English Equivalent. 가게/상점: Store 시장: Market 백화점: Department Store 슈퍼:
Phases of the moon! 달: Moon 초승달: New moon/crescent 반달 - 상현달: Half moon - first quarter 보름달/만월: Full
나라와 언어 어휘 - Country and Language VocabIt’s been such a long time since I provided a vocabulary list!
Time to learn about place nouns! Read the lesson of Location Particles before reading this! Info fro
STUDY KOREAN Grocery Shopping- Dairy
Character Story:Study vocab here!Vocabulary:餘裕 &nbs
Word of the Day - 목 Neck Learning Korean words for body parts this week :) More coming soon on this
Character Story: Swimming is simply being in the 水 氵water for a 永 long time.Study v
Character Story:If you 炎 warm 氵 water until it boils, you get a bright and cleansing ste
Character Story:Originally written as a round sun with a dot in the center, over the years the shape
Character Story:Much like the character for 日 일 sun, 月 began as a representation of the half moon. S
Character Story:Originally depicting two men standing with their backs to one another, the old chara
Character Story:As seen above, 谷 is actually a pictoral representation of a valley in the middle of
Character Story:to 出 exit a 尸 cave (low roof), you must bend your back. Study vocab here!
Character Story:Originally based on the form of a flame, 白 백 white or clean originally had the meani
Character Story:Depicting a 人 인 man carrying 禾 벼 rice stalks on his back, the farmer’s year en
Character Story:One 丶 drop of 水 water comes from high above and slowly flows down the mo
Character Story:When one 言 speaks at length or for a 永 long time, he is reciting or proclaiming his
List of fruits with illustrations. So I made a new binder/notebook to make my notes a lot more organ
Learn 5 Vocabularies A Day: ~ What I learned today ~App used to learn: Memrise———&
studykorean101:Speaking Vocab - 말하기 어휘Hello All! This post is based on an ask I got recently about h
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