Learn Kanji
Let’s study JLPT KANJI ☆ MAN & WOMAN in Japanese男性♂️(dansei - man) 女性♀️(jyosei - wom
Do you know how to say “Ex-wife” “Ex-husband” in Japanese?元妻(moro tsuma) 元夫(moto otto), 元旦那(moto
Learn Japanese vocabulary! How to say King, Queen, Prince & Princess etc.. in Japanese? King i
JLPT Level: N1, and the kanji are N1 and unlisted respectively.Most of the time, this word is writte
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N4 and N3 respectively.While not a super common word, you do
JLPT Level: N1, and the kanji are N3 and N2 respectively.Wow, two words that are on the JLPT in a ro
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N2, N5, and Unlisted?! in that order.for real, every time i
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N1 and N4 respectively.Okay, this one is so low frequency yo
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N1 and N3 respectively.Alright, this is a pretty interesting
JLPT Level: UnlistedOmg I just noticed that the example sentence has こんこん in hiragana beside the kan
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji is N2.Alright, this one is a low frequency reading of a kanji yo
Words with the kanji 五五円玉(ごえんだま):5 yen coin 五月(ごがつ):May五冊(ごさつ):5 books/ volumes五番(ごばん):5th positi
JLPT Level: Unlisted, and so is the kanji.This is a kanji that is very easy to understand if you kno
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N5 and N2 respectively.This is not a very common expression.
nihongogogo:Kanji elements by kanjipictographix (the website in the image doesn’t work, use th
marclearninglanguages:nisha-no-nihongo:Learn Kanji by radicals instead of by strokesKanji is made up
Words with Kanji 月月光(げっこう): moonlight 月曜日(げつようび):monday今月(こんげつ):this month満月(まんげつ):full moon名月(めいげつ)
Words with the kanji 五五円玉(ごえんだま): 5 yen coin 五月(ごがつ):May五冊(ごさつ):5 books/ volumes五番(ごばん):5th
In the HOTEL!!!!!
JLPT Level: UnlistedOmg I just noticed that the example sentence has こんこん in hiragana beside the kan
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N1 and N3 respectively.Alright, this is a pretty interesting
JLPT Level: N1, and the kanji are N1 and unlisted respectively.Most of the time, this word is writte
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