maksim serikow
zevran aranai
PROBAR can be to TRY or to TASTE, so “probar cosas nuevas” could be to try or to taste new things •P
I thought it would be a good time to talk about METAS (Goals). • Mi META es viajar a Italia pud
This came up in one of my classes the other day… It all boils down to what kind of party
Those amazing minutes between night and day. • Espero que tengan un día maravilloso. - H
PROBAR can be to TRY or to TASTE, so “probar cosas nuevas” could be to try or to taste n
Can you think of another verb that is conjugated like “merecer”? Have fun! Hasta pronto,
APARECER and PARECER can get confusing, don’t you think? • Scroll through the pictures to
I am thankful for having been able to help you learn a little bit of Spanish. Today is thanksgiving
¡Un día maravilloso! - A wonderful day! • Remember: PARECER = To look/seem PARECER
Alcanzar on its own means to reach, but used before an infinitive changes to “to manage to&rdq
Yes, both are correct, they just mean different things. • Escribí la MINUTA de la reuni&
¿Cuál escogerías? Which one would you choose? • ESCOGER - To choose OPCI&O
¿Te gustan las películas? - Do you like movies? • ¡Toronto es el mejor luga
Mi nueva adición - My new addition. • ALGO translates most of the time as SOMETHING howe
Me encantan los girasoles pero cuando los veo no puedo evitar pensar que el verano ya va a terminar&
¿Y por qué no? - And why not? • Acabo de regresar de Montreal y amé su amo
Sprinklers in a room • Siempre me pregunto a quien se le pudo ocurrir para que sea necesario pe
Decidió que mi jardín era el mejor lugar para descansar… He (or she, not s
Claro que la compré - of course I bought it Completa falta de autocontrol - complete lack of
¡Un día para celebrar! - A day to celebrate! Thank you for my lovely design to @picasso
I recently discovered something about myself…self awareness is a love language for me and so
I just cut my hair! Me, myself and I ¿Te has cortado el pelo tú sola(o)? - Have you c
Cada año me hace pensar en el Sauce de Harry Potter. - Each year it makes me think of the Wil
Deseándoles mucha luz hoy y siempre - wishing you lots of light, today and always. Hasta pron
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